A Kiss

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   Dean's eyes flutter open to see Castiel watching him sleep. "Cass, what the hell? I mean, I know you don't sleep but it's creepy to know you watch me sleep. For all you know I could say something inappropriate in my dreams that I don't want you to hear."
   Castiel sighs, "my apologies, Dean. I only started watching you after you murmured my name, actually. Although, I could have been doing more important things than watching over you as you sleep."
   At this knowledge, Dean blushes, hard. His face has gone a bright pink. "I-"
   "Are you alright? Do you have a temperature?" Castiel asks him.
   Dean shakes his head, "no, I'm blushing, Cass. Dammit, why did I say that out loud?"
   Castiel can't help but laugh a little at his weirdness. "I have a question for you, Dean."
   "What is it?" Dean asks, he sits up in the bed finally with a sigh.
   Castiel nods a little, "were you serious about kissing me yesterday?"
   Dean returns his nod, "I was, why?"
   "Shall we try it out now?" Castiel asks him.
   Dean makes a choking noise, "can I at least brush my teeth? I don't like kissing people with bad breath."
   Castiel nods, "yes, of course."
   Dean nods slightly before moving towards the bathroom, sighing as he locks himself in. Instead of brushing his teeth, he turns on the tap and splashes water on his face, "well, it's not a dream..." He mutters as he pinches himself. He grabs his toothbrush and he places a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto it and allows himself to brush his teeth.

   Sam gets a knock at his door, abruptly waking him from his sleep. He goes and unlocks the door with a sigh, opening it up to Gabriel. "Rise and shine Moose." He says.
   Sam slams the door in his face before moving over towards his drawers. Gabriel opens the door and closes it behind himself, "did I wake you? Samantha, come eat with me, you can't ignore me all day again." Gabriel whines at him.
   Sam looks over at him, "Gabriel, I want a shower, get out."
   Gabriel nods slowly, "oh... that makes sense, would you like some company?" A small smirk appears on his face.
   Sam raises an eyebrow at him, "n--" he tries to say no but the word won't leave his mouth. "I hate this serum." He mutters before carrying on, "Sure, whatever, join me if you want."
   Gabriel raises both eyebrows, "wow, Samathana, so demanding. I'm afraid I have other things to do though."
   "What do you have to do, Gabe?" Sam asks.
   Gabriel shrugs, "I need to find Rowena for you, this serum is clearly annoying you and I wouldn't want to cause more pain, would I? So, I shall help look for Rowena, to help lift this curse from you."
   Sam looks into his eyes and sighs, "thank you, Gabriel."
   Gabriel smiles, "of course, Samantha." He says before leaving.

   Dean walks out of the bathroom and runs a hand through his hair, glancing at Castiel who is in the same spot by the bed, deep in thought.
   Castiel glances up at Dean, "this feels awkward, do you feel awkward?"
   Dean nods, "Yeah." He curses silently at not being able to lie to Castiel.
   "We don't have to kiss if you do not wish to, Dean," Castiel says.
   Dean sighs, "no, it's fine." He goes and sits on the bed in front of Castiel. Dean leans towards Castiel who meets him halfway, their lips brush for a moment before they pull away.
   Castiel nods thoughtfully, "I think I have a strong attraction to you, Dean."
   Dean laughs a little, "you sound so formal." He pauses, "I think I have a strong attraction to you too, Cass."
   Castiel smiles at him, "so, what do we do about this?"
   Dean looks at the hope in Castiel's eyes, "if you'll have me, I would like to be your boyfriend, Castiel."
   Castiel's smile turns into a grin, "then it will be my great honour to become your boyfriend, Dean."
   Dean returns his smile, "shall we head out? We have a vampire nest to kill and we still haven't found it."
   "Sounds like a plan," Castiel responds before they finally leave.

   Sam walks into the main room with a sigh, "Gabe?" He questions the empty surroundings. He sees the laptop open but there's no one there, "Gabriel?" He raises his voice a little.
   There's a slam of a door and Gabriel comes down the stairs holding a plastic bag. "Awe, Samantha, were you worried about me?"
   "Yes." Sam states, "don't do that again, at least tell me if you're going out, please."
   Gabriel nods, "sorry. I was bored so I went out and got you some things." He places the bag on the table beside the laptop and sits down in front of the laptop.
   "Have you found anything?" Sam asks as he sits beside Gabriel picking out food from the bag. It's all salad apart from the beer, of course.
   Gabriel nods, "I think I found something, there's been witch activity in the next town over but that's where Dean and Castiel are so we could call them or go after them, your choice."
   Sam smiles a little, "you're a genius, Gabe. Come on, we can get there by noon if we hurry." He idly gives Gabriel a peck on the cheek before getting up and rushing to his room.
   "He just..." Gabriel shakes his head slightly, "and he didn't even touch his food, how rude."

   Dean parks the car by the abandoned factory and looks at Castiel with a sigh, "we don't know how many Vamps will be in there so just be careful, all right?"
   Castiel nods, "and you, Dean." Dean smiles slightly before handing a machete to Castiel which he grabs from the back of the car. He then grabs himself another. Dean takes a deep breath before they travel into the unknown nest of vicious, cold-hearted vampires.

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