Another Another Cinderella Story

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Before I begin, I realized that I forgot to mention in the Summary Page that each story will have five chapters. You should also know that I SUCK at updating. So please try to be patient.

Pic of Harlie on the side >>>


Another Another Cinderella Story, Part I

I woke abruptly when my alarm started blaring at 5:00 am, sliding my arm out from under my duvet to silence "Everbody Talks," by Neon Trees. Oh, how much I wanted to stuff my head back under my pillow and fall blissfully back to dreamland. But I couldn't.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. 5:01 am. Standing up and stretching, I took a look around my room. Clothes were strewn everywhere, Mirabella's cage was covered by a towel, and last night's homework was still sitting on my desk, only halfway finished. I sat down quickly and completed my last few calculus problems and added a final sentence on my English essay.

After packing I grabbed an outfit from my closet and walked down the hall to the bathroom for a shower. However, I was interrupted halfway through by a loud banging on the door.

"Speed it up lazy ass, you're wasting all the hot water!" Shouted my half-sister Violet, twisting at the locked doorknob. I rinsed off quickly, not wanting to deal with added problems this morning. I wrapped a towel around my chest, grabbed my clothes from the lid of the toilet, and opened the door.  Both Violet and Stella stood outside, towering over my 5'4" by at least three inches each.

"I certainly hope that there is enough hot water left for us," Stella warned, turning her nose up. "I'd certainly hate for Mother to be mad at you two days in a row," she sneered, making it plenty clear how much she would really love it.

I simply ignored her, walking back to my room, trailing bread crumbs of water behind me. I shut my door and leaned against it, sighing heavily. I got dressed quickly, throwing on my band tee from a Linkin Park concert two years ago. I wriggled into my skinny jeans, slid into my black and white checkered Vans and pulled on an oversized light blue American Eagle hoodie. Admittedly, it was from the guy's section, but it was comfy.

I hurried to the stairs, sliding on the banister to get to the bottom. Dashing into the kitchen, I snatched two pieces of bread and plopped them into the toaster, setting to work on my sisters' breakfasts next. Once done, I slid two sunny-side-up eggs onto one plate, and two scrambled onto the other, sliding them onto the table along with two mugs of coffee. I checked my watch. 6:27. Three minutes ahead of schedule. I took my extra time to lean against the counter and catch my breath. Violet and Stella came down and sat at the table, not bothering to thank me for breakfast. But that's nothing new. Henry came down last, as per usual, and grabbed an apple from the fridge before sidling up next to me.

"What's burning," he asked, his mouth full of fruit.

I looked at him, confused, when suddenly it dawned on me. My toast! I ran to the toaster, pulling them out, and then dropping them as my nerves acknowledged the heat. No breakfast for me, then.

I slumped my shoulders in defeat, shuffling after Henry towards my beloved Toyota Camry. As I pulled out of the driveway, Trina Schmidt's bright red Porsche Cayenne pulled up to the curb, barely missing my bumper. She rolled her eyes at me, and I gave her the finger in return.


I was lucky to find a parking spot relatively close to the school, allowing me two extra minutes to grab a granola bar and a smoothie from the H.U.M.A.N. machine. I was putting my books in my locker when two hands reached in front of me and covered my eyes. I smirked, knowing exactly who it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2012 ⏰

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