Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

It's been a week since I saw lee and to be fair he is forgotten about just a bad memory lost somewhere inside my head

Tonight is one of my brothers parties and I can't wait I'm going to get so drunk well not stupidly but still drunk

Adam and Trent seem normal again so I guess there problem is over now I never did find out what it was but oh well it's over with now

 I'm sat in my room with amber,jazz,liv and Amy, I haven't got a clue where Sarah is her parents said she met some boy and she hasn't come back yet but she's text us all so we knows she's okay.

Tonight is even more special because liv and amber have been together 3 years it's so amazing at first I was freaked out because they were my best friends and they told me they were lesbians but I got over it and wouldn't change one thing about them

We're all getting ready amber's wearing her usual button down shirt and jeans, liv's wearing a nude coloured dress that comes about mid-thigh, Amy's wearing a black halter neck dress and me I'm wearing a royal blue dress that shows off all my curves I think I look sexy if I do say so myself.

"well girls shall we get this party started?" I questioned

"hell yeah" they all replied in unison

We all walked downstairs amber and liv went to dance, me, jazz and Amy went to the kitchen to get a drink

About two hours later I was drunk on the makeshift dance floor in my living room dancing and I felt someone put there hands on my waist so I started grinding into them we danced like it for ages

When I turned around to see who it was I was definitely surprised to see him staring back at me with so much lust in his eyes, I felt like it was just me and him in the room and no one else

I don't know what happened next but I felt a more amazing feeling then I did with lee, I opened my eyes to see me and Adam where kissing and not just a quick peck our tongues where dancing together he tasted like mint and strawberries

What am I doing!

I pushed him away and ran up to my room slamming the door

I can't feel like this especially for Adam Simmons
He's the boy that pranked me, the boy I hate, the boys that's so annoying, my brothers best friend, my best friends brother and the boy I am head of heels in love with.

I cried myself to sleep that night thinking of everything I can't have, I just want my mummy


I woke in the morning to the feel of safety a warm embrace engulfing me and I knew I was in Adams arms but how did he get here? Why is he here? What does he want from me?

I got out of bed went into the bathroom and got a glass full of cold water and walked back into my room and tipped it over his face

"OMG WHAT THE FUCK!" he screamed

"now get the fuck out my room, I don't know who you think you are Adam Simmons but your in my room and in my bed I'm not some slut that gives you what you want now GET THE FUCK OUT!!!"

"Tyler what is the matter with you, you told me to come to bed with you"

what! I never done that, I can't remember

"well I don't remember that"

"you text me look"

he grabbed his phone and handed it to me and sure enough on the screen it said

Tyler<3 - can you come to my room and sleep in my bed with me please x

"oh i'm sorry adam I didnt know, I dont remember"

"it's okay now come here" he held his arms open I went willingly

"what's going on adam?"

"what do you mean princess?"

"with us I mean? why's it different? why are you being nice to me?"

"I dont know but I know I have feelings for you"

WHAT! OMG this is not happening

I moved away from his embrace looked him in the eyes

"can you leave please"

"but ty I just told you I have feelings for you"

"I know what you said i'm not deaf now can you leave"

"whatever" he got up and walked out

what is going on I have deffinately missed a memo in  my life


Adam's P.O.V

"can you leave please" she said looking into my eyes no emotion on her face

"but ty I just told you I have feelings for you"

"I know what you said i'm not deaf now can you leave"

"whatever" I got up and walked out

I didn't stop til I was in my car and driving home

what did I do? I just confessed to the girl I love that I have feelings for her and she pushes me away

I walked in my house and up to my room I wanted everyone to leave me alone

I need to text her

I grabbed my phone quickly

me- ty I meant what I said x

tyler<3- but why now after everything? x

me- because I didnt think you felt the same until I looked into your eyes last night and seen it x

tyler<3- I've felt it for ages i've just hid it, you hurt me in so many ways I gave you my innocence and you walked away like it was nothing x

me- it meant something to me but the way you pushed me away after I thought you regreted it x

tyler<3- I dont regret it I just didn't want you to get to close and throw me away like you do the other girls x

me- I wouldnt do that tyler I know i'm a prick but your different something special x

tyler<3- thanks but I dont think it will ever work lets just stay friends x

me- okay whatever you wish x

tyler<3- thanks adam I love you so don't forget it and i'm sorry we cant be anything x

me- I love you and I won't forget don't you either and aslong as I have you as a friend i'll be okay x

I put my phone down and for the first time in my life I broke down my heart has just been ripped out and only because of being selfish and hurting people

I will give up on being with tyler now she doesn't want me

I love her


Tyler's P.O.V

I just broke my own heart why couldn't I have said I want to be with him!
I'm so stupid
and now I've lost him as anything more then a friend
and all because I didn't want to be hurt
he could have changed and i didn't give him the chance

I love him

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