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I reach home and the first thing I'm greeted with is a hard slap on my face.

"What the fuck!?" I curse

"What the fuck Blake?! You promised us you wouldn't go back to that bitch!" Rose yells

"What are you talking about?" I ask calmly


"What's going on here?" My mom walks down the stairs with Cola following right behind her

Cola runs and starts barking at Rose and I, while mom keeps questioning.

"It's whatever mom" Rose rolls her eyes before taking Cola up to her room with her.

"Blake, what just happened" mom inquired once more.

"Just like what Rose said, it's nothing" I say while smiling tightly at her and hugging her before heading up to my room too.

While climbing up the stairs I ask mom if dad was home and she said that he was at home in his office.

I nod and continue to climb the stairs while thinking about how I should confront dad about this.

After I took a brisk shower I changed into some sweatpants and a shirt before grabbing my phone and heading into dad's office.

I knock on the door before I hear a faint muffled "come in"

I open the door to see my dad sitting on a chair with his laptop on his desk typing something.

I walk to one of the sofas and sit on it "Uh, dad I need to talk to you for a sec" I say

Oh gosh, help me

"Yes Blake?" He ask while shutting his laptop and looking at me telling me to continue.

"Um so someone who has something against me showed me this video...of—uh um—you and Uh...your secretary kissing..." just as I said that my dad starts laughing

Why the hell is he laughing? There's nothing about this which is funny.

"Show me the video" he asks stifling a laugh

"Uh? Ok?" I say while taking out my phone and showing him the video.

He watches the video multiple times before he bursts out laughing once again

"Why are you laughing" I say getting a little bit irritated

"Son...come here" he gestures me to come closer

I come closer to him in confusion, he zooms onto the mans hands which were on the side of the ladies face and the first thing I recognized is that the man had a tattoo on his hand of a bird...which dad doesn't have.

I'm so confused right now..

"Son that isn't me, that's another worker" he explains while smiling

"You guys look so similar form the side.." I say a little bit embarrassed from thinking that my dad cheated on my mom.

" Yeah I get that comment a lot form many people" He pats my back.

"I would never cheat on your mom son, she's very precious to me, I don't want to do something that stupid, I've never met the most perfect woman in my life ever" he continues

I literally feel like a dumb ass right now...

"Ok Thank God, that was a relief" I sigh while smiling at him and walking out of the room

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