Chapter Nine.

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Chapter Nine.

I was walking around, not exactly knowing where I was going. I was furious and upset. How is that possible though? I don't get it. We live quite far from my old town. I mean its not so far but in a way it is. I honestly don't get how he was involved!

I needed to clear my head though. This is all just impossible. I found a nearby bench and just sat down with my head in my hands, thinking over everything. Everything and anything.

I was probably there for about ten minutes until someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up to see the one person I honestly did not want to see right now, mind you I didn't want to see anyone.

"What do you want?"

"I came to explain myself. I didn't want you thinking I killed your best friend."

"Well you helped."

"Look," he sat down. "just listen to me. Hear me out."

"Okay." He's going to tell me anyway.

"You know I had these friends okay? The ones from your old school. One is my cousin so thats how I knew them. Whenever I met up with them in your town they'd always tell me about your friend. I remember his name now, it was Josh wasn't it?"


"They told me how much of a dork he was, was he?"


"Well thats what they told me. They said he'd always embarrass himself and all that shit. To be honest, I think they made up most of it. They're quite nasty people to be honest. I believed them though because it was my cousin telling me and I trusted him. Obviously I've cut all ties with him now. Anyways, whenever I was visiting them, often in the holidays, we'd go out into the town and sometimes they'd see him and make fun of him and stupidly I would join in. But I wasn't as bad as them, I copied what they said thats all. They beat him up."

"I know they did."

"You know the day before he committed suicide yeah?"

"Yeah, I was suspended that week leading up to his death.. I was standing up for him because no teachers would and I got suspended and then they-"

"Beat him up severly."


"They told me about you, but I never realised it was you when you joined here. Anywho, they told me how his best friend stood up to them and you beat one up or something right?"


"Tough girl you are." He said, chuckling. I smiled. "There's a smile. Anyways, they told me they'd beat him up so severly he was in hospital. They discharged him home though, around eight o'clock."

"He called me around half eight that night. He said he would miss me and he loved me - best friend way obviously. I didn't think anything of it though. But then he- he- killed himself. I felt bad because I didn't know."

"The next day Josh never showed up. They thought it was because of how beaten up he was and he was too much of wuss to go into school. Thats what they said. But then he didn't show up the next day and then they were called into the principles office and then your principle told them. Some felt guilty I know that but I know my cousin, Ryan, he didn't feel anything. He had something so bad against Josh, honestly why?"

"I have no idea.."

"I didn't start it and I wasn't as bad as what they did. I admit though, I was mean to him and I shouldn't have been since I never knew him. I know this won't make up for the loss of him though but I am truly sorry. If I knew it would have affected him so badly, I wouldn't have joined them. I am truly sorry, Abi. Honestly I really am. You don't know how guilty I feel. Please forgive me." He said, pleading. He looked genuinely sorry and I believed him.

"I forgive you. As long as you promise never to bully again and that if I see Ryan, I will beat the crap out of him."

"I'll have front row seat.. Or maybe even join you. He's a dick."

"Understatement of the century."

"Okay, true. I guess I shouldn't have listened to what they said, right? I should've stayed well out of it. I only went along with it because that was my cousin and, I don't know... Anyway, shall we go back? The boys and my mum are wondering where you are. I told them I'd come and find you."

"Okay then." He stood up and put his hand out and I took his hand and he helped me up.


"Abi! Sis! Hi!"

"Hi Tony, why so chirpy?"

"I missed youuuu."

"I've been here for hours. Are you drunk?"


"Abi, here want some?" Joe held out a beer to me.

"I think I better not. I'll have to be the one taking this one home and I'd rather not be drunk."

"Oh come on sis.."

"You're such a lightweight, Tony."


"Oh Tony." I said, shaking my head. In all honesty I was actually downstairs most of the time with Alex's mum. The guys were all upstairs doing God knows what! "Tony we're going home. You need to sober up or dad won't be too happy."

"Dad is chill he'll be fine!"

"If you're drunk on a school night then no, no he won't be fine."

"Oh I thought it was Saturday!"

"No. Sober up dude. I'll be downstairs." I walked downstairs and went to talk to Alex's mum. "Hellooo."

"Hello Abi, how's everything with the boys?"

"Oh you know, boys will be boys."

"That's true."

"Me and Tony are heading home in a minute or so."

"Oh alright, it was lovely seeing you again! Visit soon yes?"

"Of course I will, I absolutely love coming here."

"I love having you over too, Abigail. You know you're free to come over whenever you want, right?"

"Aw, thank you so much."

"Anytime, you're practically part of the family now."


"Of course, I honestly do love having you over. You make Alex much happier and I'm not the only female in the house! Plus, you're changing Alex, I can see the change in him. He hasn't been sleeping with other girls.. You know, I found it suspicious when you said you guys had been dating for three weeks because I was so sure Alwx had still been sleeping with girls then."

"Really? Did he bring them here?"

"Actually, no. That's why I was curious but I figured he was going to their houses and doing what he does."


"But don't worry, he's been dating you. I know that he wouldn't cheat, especially when the right girl came along. I guess that happens to be you, and I couldn't be anymore happier for you both."

"Thank you so much." It may just be fake to us but it's real to her.. I spot Tony coming down the stairs, "Anyway, we best be off. I'll see you sometime later."

"Bye, Abigail. Oh, and bye Tony."

"Yeah, see you Mrs H."

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