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7|The boy in the barn

Liliana, despite Catelyn's insistence, was not tired

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Liliana, despite Catelyn's insistence, was not tired. In fact, she was buzzing with the childish giddiness of being somewhere new.

As soon as Catelyn tucked her in and left the room, Liliana rose from the bed and explored every inch of the room from the dust speckles on the window sill to the chip marks on the floorboards, which most likely came from the movement of furniture across the room. However, to Liliana, they were the markings of Direwolf claws hundreds and thousand years old. She searched the closet, filled with dresses of northern girls dainty little things constructed from the finest fabrics of silk delicate and delicate stitches and dyed emerald blue. As beautiful as they were less than intriguing to the little lass. Liliana preferred clothes fit to run in, cheap enough to tear and buy another and dark enough that a stain may go unnoticed in natural light. These dresses were not any such thing.

Apathetic, Liliana found herself back at the window staring off into outlandish grounds of Winterfell. Her young heart wanted nothing more than to be out there.

So Liliana four foot tall with a head thick of bouncy curls, snuck out. Though there wasn't actually much sneaking out, more walking straight out the building since no one actually seemed to be occupying the halls.

Liliana followed the trail of loose hay that scattered the floor and found herself at the stables. Nobody seemed to pay her any mind. Perhaps they had heard about her arrival or maybe they just didn't care. After all she was only a child, what was she going to do steal a horse and escape?

The girl slowly tip-toed over to the first horse she saw. It was bigger than the one she had in Dorne but that had only been a foal when she left. She grabbed some hay of the ground and offered out her hand to the creature, which chewed it up and left a generous amount of slobber on her palm as a thank you.

"Euch yuck" she squealed desperately searching for something to clean her hands if it were any other day she might have used her dress but this one had been specially crafted for her arrival at Winterfell. In front, of her dangled a rag, attached to it a pale hand. Liliana took it gratefully and wiped off the horse's drool.

"Thank you" she addressed the person who had come to her rescue, with a smile. It was a short boy no older than Liliana about 8 or 9, he had a thick set of black curls on his head. He nodded curtly and then turned to tending to the horse.

"Are you a stable boy ?" Liliana asked, in attempt to make conversation. Looking at him closer Liliana realised her mistake he was too clean and too well dressed to be a stable boy, Liliana mentally kicked herself but she had already asked the question.
The boy shook his head confirming that he was in fact not a stable boy.

"You're good with horses" Lily pointed her head at the horse he was tending to a massive creature with a glimmering black coat not too dissimilar to the boy's own hair.

"One day this will be my horse. You have to have it's trust."

"You're one of Starks boys ?" Liliana recalled Borin telling her Lord Stark had two boys and a ward named Theon.

"Jon" a bell chimed in her head, Jon the eldest son of Ned. She could see it now the same dark eyes and a kind face.

"I'm Liliana," She offered out her clean hand. "my father sent me to live with your family for a while."

"I guess your father already told you."

"That he did, you're to be his ward."

Liliana didn't really know the meaning of the word just that she'd be spending some time at Winterfell while her father and his wife stayed remained at Old Castle.

"Can you keep a secret Jon ?" Liliana whispered. He looked startled at first then the fear settled and he offered an excited smile, which encouraged her to tell on.

"I shouldn't be out here Lady stark put me to bed."

The smile dropped from his face in an instance. She'd stuck her foot in it she thought. What young boy would be pleased with a guest disobeying his mother.

"I'm sorry." She pleaded, trying her best to persuade the boy from sending her away. "I just couldn't stay up in that big dark room. I've been riding in the carriage for hours and when your father told me of your sister's horse, I couldn't hold my excitement. He said I could ride sometimes. I don't suppose you know which it is ?"

"I really shouldn't--"

"Oh go on Jon, I won't tell. Promise. I only want to meet her."

The boy found his smile again and guided her towards the furthest stable. "Thank you thank you thank you" Liliana squealed.

The horse was stunning. A lot smaller than the one that had slobbered on her hand, which meant she could actually climb on top of it if she wanted to. She reached out and touched it's coat. The most beautiful gray, that looked almost silver in the sunlight. The horse belonged to Sansa, she knew this. Lady stark had only offered for her to share it occasionally. But when Liliana looked upon the beauty it was as if she forgot the meaning of what it meant to share. She wanted it only for herself.

Winter's Rose ~ Robb Stark~ on holdOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara