Chapter 7

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                  The team stared in awe at the three new machines in the training room. They didn't know what they were and they were too scared to press the power button.

                  "Friday, could you tell Tony to come down here please?" Steve asked the AI. She responded saying yes sir then it was quiet again. The elevator binged as the doors opened and Tony walked through. He was wiping grease off his hands.

                  "What's up capsicle?" Steve sighed before pointing at all the machines.

                   "What do these do?" Tony had a look of confusion and pride as he looked over them.

                    "I don't know. Fri, be a dear and ask Peter to come down here."

                     "Of course sir." The team continued to look at the machines in confusion. The kid couldn't have built these. It's only been a month since he cane by. The teen walked in minutes later and looked at them in confusion. Tony smiled at him.

"Hey Pete. Did you make these?" Peter nodded shyly as the team looked at him in shock.

"What do they do? Are they to held with training?" Peter nodded again and walked up to the first machine and pressed the button.

"This one is for fighting. You choose your level, how many people, and then holograms show up. You can fight them and they can hit you back. It can hurt at certain levels." He turned it off and then walked to the next one, turning it on. "This one is just a punching bag. It can't be broken. It's as soft as a regular punching bag, but it can't tear. It also can't fly off, so you can keep punching it until you're tired." He turns it off before walking to the last one. "This one isn't as cool. It can just help you measure your vitals and it can tell you your weak spots while using certain weapons or fighting different people." The Avengers just stared in shock as Tony's smile grew and Bruce smiled softly at the kid. Peter froze before his eyes widened slightly.

                         "Well it was nice talking to you guys, but I just remembered I had to do something. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!" He quickly walked into the elevator and the doors closed. They just watched him in confusion and concern before Friday said they were getting a call. It's was Fury.

                           "I have a mission for you."
—time skip—
                           The Avengers were very grateful that they had Spider-Man's help. If it weren't for him, they wouldn't have been able to finish what they needed to do. News channels walked up to the team with cameras and microphones. They answered a few questions until one caught them off guard.

                           "Is Spider-Man okay? He got knocked into a building right before the fight ended and we haven't seen him since." The team looked at each other worried and asked what building he was thrown against. They quickly made their way over and saw a figure leaning against the building, groaning and cursing in pain before he began to cough and blood came up. The team ran over. His mask only covered half of his face as his mouth was uncovered.

                            "You alright Spidey?" He turned to the team and gave a tight smile with a thumbs up.

                             "I'm great katniss." They all shook their heads and looked at him concerned.

                              "Friday, what's wrong with him?" Spider-Man let out an annoyed sigh and winced at the movement.

                               "He has broken ribs, broken wrist, twisted ankle, and a lot of internal bleeding." The team looked at him in shock and he just shook his head slowly.

                                "It'll heal in a few hours. I'll be leaving now." He tried to stand up but hissed in pain as he put pressure on his ankle. Steve shook his head. Before he could speak, another person in a red suit ran up to him.

                                 "Are you alright spidey? I saw your fall. It didn't look too good." He just shook his head with a fond smile.

                                 "I'm fine Wade. Could I stay with you for a few hours to heal?" The team could see a smile through Deadpool's mask.

                                  "Anything for you baby boy." He picked up the hero and carried him to his apartment. The team just stood in shock for what seemed like the fifth time that day. It was quiet until Clint spoke.

                                  "What the hell just happened?"

A/N: here's some spidey stuff because I almost forgot he was still Spider-Man in this story. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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