Chapter 2

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A hard kick to the gut woke me up in the morning. I leapt to my feet, ready to fight off any thief that wanted to steal the chickens or a goat for himself despite the pain that resounded around my ribs. I wasn't particularly large, but I was fast and I had learned how to use my small size to my own advantage, even with the shackles on. The few times someone had challenged me I had never been bested. But when I landed on my feet and prepared myself to deliver a hard punch I noticed that it had been my female owner who had awoken me instead of some hungry man looking for his next meal. She glowered at me and I immediately stood up straight. The woman was my owner, yes, but she was just as pathetic as her husband.

Still, I was baffled. I was always up before my owners as I had to feed the animals early in the morning or they would become unruly, and when I looked around I noticed the sun hadn't come up yet. It was still the small hours of the morning that few could tolerate. I turned my attention back to the woman, confusion written all over my face, but didn't dare say a word.

"The king is demanding all women of age to be brought to the palace immediately. His wife has gone missing or left him." She grunted out before bending over. An old key was clutched in her fat hand. "Serves that awful man right, thinking that his vile blood lines should mingle with a normal human woman. It takes a true beast to taint the purity of us humans. Poor thing, I hope she's alright."

With a soft click the shackles around my ankles were released, clanging down on the cold ground of the barn. I wanted to weep with joy when the fresh air left a subtle stinging sensation on the tender skin. Yes, freedom. But a moment later her announcement sank in and I was filled with dread instead.

The king's wife had left him which meant all the women would have to leave their homes and present themselves at the palace. From what I understood it was a bit like a man selecting a horse at an auction. He would then pick a woman to be his bride and perhaps a few other to keep in his company. The whole process could take two hours, two days, or two years if he wanted it to. And in that time he could do whatever he wanted to any of the women who entered the palace. The last time an event such as this took place only a third of the girls made it back home. Others had been kept in the palace as servants, some were murdered on the journey to and from the castle, and others were snatched up to be slaves much like I had been. The whole event was terrifying and I suddenly wished I had my shackles back on, that today would carry on like any normal day.

"But my rhubarb and wild lilies, they will die and we won't be able to sell them at the market..." I protested meekly.

But it didn't matter. The woman didn't even flinch. It was like I had said nothing at all. I was the slave so if my masters wanted me to go to the palace, then I hardly had a choice. And when I came to the king's orders she didn't have much of a choice either. I kept my mouth shut when the woman ordered me to disrobe and wash up in the stream behind the barn. It was a horrible experience as it always was. The water was utterly frigid, being fed by the snow and ice from the mountain range kilometers away. I would hold my breath and dunk my entire body in the shallow water, repressing a scream as I did so. After a few minutes my body would smell less like chickens and cows and my teeth would be hammering together in a violent chatter. Once that was over with I didn't scoff at the ugly dress my owner used to replace my functional pants and loose shirt. The only benefit was that the dress smelt better and was certainly cleaner than my previous clothing. But I knew I had to wear a dress if I was going to be taken to the palace. Women who didn't wear the proper clothing often found themselves in trouble as not dressing like a decent lady gave men the wrong idea.

After I was dressed properly I was handed and biscuit and a tiny cup of tea which I eagerly gulped down. Once I had finished my measly breakfast I was led outside to where my male owner had two horses saddled up. The couple didn't embrace each other or say good bye as I assumed lovers would. They just grunted at each other and within minutes I was on the horse I had been grooming yesterday while the fat man led the way on a different horse.

The ride was long and hard. We rode non-stop for over six hours. There was no break for food or for a simple stretch and my body ached with exhaustion. Not only was the ride draining, it was also quite difficult because I hardly ever had to ride side-saddle, much less for such a long period of time. The position made me sore and weary and I wanted to stop and rest before we were even half way to the palace. I felt bad for myself, but I also felt bad for my horse as well. He was an old beast and had been retired from any strenuous activity in recent years. A journey like this must've been hell for the poor animal, yet I understood that he was my riding companion because he was slower in case I tried to get away and if I was actually successful he was the least valuable. But I didn't say a word. I knew that the man was already furious with the entire event, and had it not been mandatory for every of age woman to be present he would've been sitting at home, lazing around like he often did. I'm certain that he regretted having a female slave at this point.

This was all even more tedious because there was nearly no chance the king would pick me. He would have his pick of gorgeous women from all over the country. They would have money and grace that I could never dream of attaining and they would know how to curtsey properly with striking smiles and fine cosmetics coating their cheeks. But all that suited me just fine. The last thing in the world that I wanted was to be tied down to a werewolf man for the rest of my life. Who knew what kind of bloodlust ran through his veins.

After what felt like an eternity we crested a long, steep him and I saw the palace for the first time in my life. The sun was rising behind the large structure, making it seem almost heavenly. I couldn't tear my eyes off of the large spires, flapping flags, and the seemingly tiny people that milled about the grounds.

"It's beautiful." I thought out loud.

"It's human genius that created that place. Now a god-damn werewolf is running it." my owner grumbled, "And here I am, wasting my day so that the king can take one look at you and cast you aside because no man of true class would want a slave."

"You never know, he just might find me charming and sophisticated." I bit back. It was the opposite of what I truly wanted, but I refused to let him have a snide comment at my expense.

"With that mouth no man could possibly want you."

"Some men appreciate a challenge."

The man just grunted and kicked his horse hard, sending them both down the hill at a jagged trot. I sighed under my breath, annoyed with this man brash behavior, but also horrified with what was to come. I was so far from home, so far from my plants and my animals. I had never seen such sights in my life, never experienced such events. I hadn't been to a selection such as this as I had been kept at work. But I had heard the horror stories. After being faced with a hefty fine for their defiance my owners refused to let such a thing slide again.

Now it was my turn to live through the tragedy and tell all the village girls when I got back home.

Or maybe I would be one of the unlucky ones and not make it back home at all.

***Dedicated to the very first person who voted on the book. Thank you all for the support and love you have already given me!***

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