Chapter Three

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***Lacey's POV***

I lifted my hand up, resting it on my cheek. The blood had finally drained away from my face. I couldn't believe I had been so stupid! My brand new bra had fallen on the ground in front of two of the sweetest guys I had met since I had moved to London. I couldn't erase the look on Niall's face from my memory. He blushed almost instantly. It was priceless! I laughed to myself as I strolled into the warm English air. 

The thoughts were racing through my mind. So much had happened in the last hour, and I found it hard to process everything. That guy, my fists clenched at the thought of him, was so disgusting! He would not leave me alone. And Niall, my hands relaxed and my lips curled up into a smile, had saved me. He didn't even know me, and he risked himself to help me. He'd been so brave, so tough, so protective. The way he had thought on his feet and stepped in, saying he was my boyfriend, was brilliant. I shivered at the thought of his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to his warm, muscular body.

I stepped off the sidewalk, crossing the street. A taxi rushed by me, and the smell of the city wafted towards me. I remembered the distinct smell of Niall. I closed my eyes, continuing on the path again, to imagine the sweet scent of the blonde, the feel of his body pressed up against to me, the way his jaw clenched tight when I was in trouble. I felt warm inside, and my stomach erupted with butterflies just thinking about the way his protective nature had taken over. What was I thinking? I had only met Niall and Harry an hour ago! Yet, I couldn't stop thinking about them, or him, I guess.

The shopping bags hanging from my arm were starting to weigh me down, and I readjusted them slightly as I continued to stroll through the city. Where was I? Nothing looked familiar. Suddenly, I panicked. I was lost. A movie theater? I'm pretty sure my new apartment wasn't anywhere close to a movie theater. My heart beat picked up its pace as I frantically searched for anything I had seen before.

My hand slipped down into my purse, pulling out my phone. I bit my lip, deciding who to call. Ivy would know how to guide me home... but so would Niall. Tapping the touch screen as my feet quietly padded on the cement, I sent my sister a text.

Be back in a bit! Got a great story for ya! ;)

I scrolled through my contacts, my thumb slamming down on the screen as Niall's name appeared. Was I calling him too soon? I had just left them only half an hour ago. They probably hadn't even left the mall yet. My finger hovered over the phone as my mind debated what I should do. He wouldn't mind giving me some directions back home, would he? Of course not.

"Hello?" The familiar Irish accent said through the phone.


"Yeah... Is this Lacey?" He tried to hide the excitement in his voice. I could almost hear him smiling.

"Yes! I'm sorry for calling you so soon-" 

"No, don't be sorry! I was hoping you'd call soon!" He cut me off, rejecting my apology. "Lost?" he chuckled. 

I paused, a little embarrassed that he had guessed right away. Was I that obvious? "A little."  

He laughed again. "Sounds like you could use some help."

I nodded. Then after a few seconds, I realized he couldn't see me. "Uh, yeah." I heard him say something quietly to someone else, probably Harry, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Don't worry, Lace, I got you." He said after mumbling a few more words to Harry. "Where are you right now?"

I looked around. "I, I don't know. I see, uh, there's a movie theater." I pressed the phone up close against my ear as I turned my head, scanning the city around me. "That's about it."

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