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I was born with the sun and the stars. Because with all light comes darkness cloaked in brightness. I have walked the earth ever since but have never found a reason to see the world. Everywhere I go everything is the same. Everyone is the same. People talk about love and travel and adventure, but what do they know? They have no loved like I have, not travelled as I have, and definitely not been on the adventure that was my life.

I was created with the sun and stars because, as I said already, all light comes with darkness cloaked in brightness.

What does this mean. That's what you are wondering. Good question. But a question that has no answer.

Well, an answer that can be explained simply. Because then you would have to know who I was. And no one wants to know who I am, who I really am. Not because it's terrifying or erratic or confusing. But because knowing who I am- really am- would mean breaking the spell of the reality of what they think I am.

So who am I. That's what you ask. Again, a good question. But a question that also has no answer.

But maybe I can start this explanation off with a helpful detail.

I have many names now, but when the stars and the sun were first created I was given a name from The First Language of Life.

I am Arisha, first of my name. And last of my name.

But I recently been more commonly called desiderio,  deseo, رغبة, Wunsch, souhait, 希望, 願い, 소원, skulle ønske or Wish.

So there. I am Wish, as known in the English langauge.

Not a Wishor the Wish. Just Wish. I create what has come to be known as a wish. And by creating wishes I have also been unknowingly been the cause of destroying them, shattering them.

And by answering your question of who I am before answering your question about what it means to have a light that comes with darkness cloaked in brightness, you will understand how I manage to both create and shatter wishes simultaneously. This is who I am.

I am in your candles, you dandelion seeds and your shooting stars.

So I am Wish.

But I actually prefer Arisha, if you don't mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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