Drawing your readers in

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    Hey, you there! Yeah, talking to you! Let's have a chat about titles and descriptions of your story!

     A title should be in Caps, like this: A Slenderman Fanfiction. Now you see what I did there? I capitalized the first word, and the important words, if A were in the middle of the title, it would be lower case, along with the, and , an, with, of. Plus, spell things out. Not fanfic, Fanfiction! Not, slendy or slender, Slenderman! Not Jeff, Jeff the Killer. So on and so forth. Don't be lazy! If so, it makes you look inexperienced.
    Descriptions, don't be like 'oh well I saw some people do this and I thought why not.' NO! NO! NO! AND NO! Put something interesting and captivating like, 'The wind tussled her hair as she fought to make the decision. Eventually she turned back to the man and nodded, 'I'm in' is all she had to say.' Please please be creative and interesting. It makes you look experienced and draws people in.
   Now for the start, do any of you know what a prologue is? Well, it's this short chapter at the beginning of a book that leaves the reader filled with questions and the question normally doesn't get answered until almost the end of the book. Always, always, make this about five hundred words to one thousand words or so, make it a cliffhanger, make it undescriptive, confusing, and vague. This makes the reader want to figure what happens next. It makes them thirst for answers! Now, don't leave every chapter with a cliffhanger, that may irritate the reader, especially if you don't update often. Speaking of updating, when you start a book, I recommend writing a few chapters before publishing. That away you can get a head start. Now, don't get to answering the prologue by chapter seven! Slowly let the pieces fall into place! Answer it near the end of your book! I usually am bad about answering things quickly so I understand the struggle.
   Now the epilogue, a medium sized chapter at the END of a book. This either, leaves a cliffhanger if you know you're going to write a second book. Or it leaves the reader satisfied and happy at the way it ended. Make it interesting and fulfilling. You want your reader to keep thinking about this book for a little while after finishing!

Edit-OK, I read this really great story on here and I'm waiting on an update but oh my god. It has this amazing twists. It's called long sleeves hide scars and it's a hoodie x reader. Omg, this story had me hyperventilating it was that amazing. It started off with Slenderman being the good guy and helping then it switched to him actually being the bad guy....OH MY GOD I CANT EVEN WITH THIS STORY. Read it, take notes, pay attention, and use those techniques. Definitely recommend!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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