Chapter 5

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The haunted house was set up in the gym. It consisted of different “rooms” spread throughout the floor. Each room featured a specific spooky creature or theme: a cemetery, mazes where creatures would jump out, chainsaw sounds, and the like.

However, Erin’s brother and his friends would be getting a private tour of another room exclusively set up for them: the girls’ locker room.

Diane glanced at her phone. “That was Ryan. They’re here.”

We all got into our places. It was up to Jen, who was also in Student Council, to guide them from the cemetery to the locker room. We waited patiently for the door to open.

“This is so stupid,” a voice came from outside the door. “Oh, okay, the girls’ room. Scaaary!”

The door opened. Jen (who was covered up with a black robe and skeleton mask) stretched an arm out, and four boys stepped inside.

It was pitch-black in the locker room, save for the flickering of an overhead light in the corner.

Nobody moved for a couple of minutes. The guys began shifting back and forth on their heels, waiting for something to happen.

This was the part of scary movies that always unnerved me, the quiet before something jumped out of the dark. It was the anticipation that was the worst part.

“We should go,” one of them said, but when he reached for the door, it wouldn’t open. He yanked harder on it. “It’s locked.”

“Let me try.” Another pushed him out of the way. The door wouldn’t budge.

A shadowy figure began to approach them.

“Ah, guys!” Erin’s brother, Danny, exclaimed when he saw the figure getting closer and closer.

A menacing voice began to echo off the concrete walls. “Danny Fitzgerald, I know what you did this evening. I know what you all did this evening.”

“Dude, how’d it know your name?” one of the boys asked a shocked Danny.

“We should get out of here.” Danny pulled harder on the door handle.

“STOP!” The voice commanded. It was deep with a slight reverb to it, thanks to the voice modulator on Erin’s karaoke machine.

Kara jumped out in front of them wearing a black robe and the mask from Scream — which was exactly what Danny did. He’d watched that movie with Erin a couple of years ago and was terrified of the white face mask with the openmouthed expression.

Hilary was next to approach him, wearing all black, including a ski mask. She kept her hands behind her back until she was close to the four who were now leaning against the wall. She was only inches away when she pulled her arms forward, and the guys squirmed at the sight of the snake that was wrapped around her wrist. (Hilary’s brother had a pet ball python, a fact that Hilary had kept secret, as I was positive most of us would’ve wisely refused to come over to her house.)

At that cue, the rest of us started rhythmically banging on the benches on the other side of the lockers, which were partially hidden from view.

“Prepare for the sacrifice,” Erin’s disguised voice boomed.

Another cloaked figure (Tracy) held up Mr. Bubbles, Danny’s stuffed monkey. He still slept with the toy, but only Erin and their parents (and now the Club) knew that.

“What? How did you get that?” Danny protested. “Hey! You’re not supposed to touch us!” he shrieked as Kara and Hilary grabbed the boys by their arms and pulled them farther into the locker room.

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