Chapter XI

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There was no ending of 'thank you'. My cheek hurt from smiling and nodding at them. I can't even enjoy eating my food.

"Lady Lewis," the king said.

"No!" I snapped. "No more thanking me, okay? I really do appreciate it but your men will just stop in front of me, thank me, then walk away. It's so irritating than being watched from afar. At the very least I was not hoping to have a decent conversation to talk with." I placed down my half-eaten meal and walked towards my temporary tent where my pizza was. The knight who I healed first gave it to me after healing all the men.

"Wait," he said that made me stop.

I turned around and found myself in front of the king with an inch closer that the tip of our nose almost touches. He's damn fast.

We both stepped back aware of our awkward situation. "Sorry. Not this, err, well also this." I shook my head trying to think straight with my heart beating fast on my chest. "Anyway, sorry for snapping at you that I shouldn't have. It's just a long day for me."

He cleared his throat. "I understand. You must be exhausted. I'll see you around then."

"For sure I can't sleep. You're about to say something, right?"

He stared at me and I stared back at his almost black eyes. "Do you want to walk?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem," I said as I shove my hands on the pocket of my coat.

I walked beside the king and started to debate with myself if I should walk behind him or beside him.

I haven't decided yet when I realized that we were quite far away from the noisy soldiers, partying from their second chance of living.

"So..." I started.


"I think you want to have an alone moment with me, your majesty." I grinned cheekily at him.

He stopped looking straight ahead. He waited for seconds to pass and spoke, "Don't be ridiculous, Lady Lewis."

I looked at the dark sky where the stars shone brighter than I saw before. "Maybe I am."

The king who also looked up and asked, "Do you ever think that someday you'll be a star that will shine so bright?"

I smiled to myself. "Have you?"

"No. People already look up at me."

Fair point. "Hmm. Then, I say no."

"Answer it seriously."

I looked at him. "I am. That never occurred to me. But then I want to be the kind of star that would shine with the person I dear and lighten up his path. That my love towards this person is higher than the star itself." Whoa, whoa. Who was talking just now? I couldn't believe it's me. I've never been too cheezy. If Gabby was here I'd be sure she'll laugh at my face.

Thankfully I didn't get to be laughed at.

The young king stared at me, though his face was shadowed by the light behind him I could still see his attractive face, it was calm as a sleeping sea. Beautiful and captivating.

"I wish for you to find him."

I smiled genuinely at him. "Thank you. I wish for yours too, my king." I said softly. "You're a great king. Usually, kings hide behind their protected walls and let his people face the battle out here."

"I don't think I am. If it weren't for you, a lot of lives were already dead. You saved them, thank you."

"Let's say fate lead us to each other. Thank you for heating my coffee."

"Lady Lewis!" Someone called. "Allison."

I raised my hand and waved at Reed who was looking for me. "Here."

He jogged towards us. "What are you two doing here? Are you two making out? I hope I didn't disturb your moment."

The king was about to speak when I quickly said, "Do you want to join in? There's plenty of space to fit in, honey." I batted my eyes at him.
The captain grinned. "I wouldn't mind joining in but his majesty will strangle me." He then winked.

"Oh," I faked a surprise. "Too bad we're started to enjoy things."

"Perhaps, I'll enjoy watching you two over here."

"Will you stop flirting in front of me," the king grunted and glared at us.

Reed laughed. "As you wish. Are you jealous? If yes, I'll stop talking to Allison."

"Bastard. Just stop talking."

"You're no fun."

I clasped my hands when an idea popped in my head. "My king, I need to borrow your magic again."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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