Chapter 7

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When Lily opened her door, she found Petra in her apartment lounging on the couch with a script in her hand, and as soon as she saw Lily she jumped up and charged her.

"How are you! I heard all about your bad day; come and tell me everything." Petra pulled her down onto the couch as she threw the script off to one side.

"How did you hear about it?" Lily asked in surprise. Petra wasn't on set all that often. She worked from the safety of an office on the other side of town. For her to have heard about it meant it must have been spectacularly bad, even worse than she thought.

"I talked to Mason, he told me."

"Uncle Mason knows we're friends?" Lily asked, confused. She was clueless as to who knew what. She had the feeling that Finn knew more than she thought he did and now Petra, who else knew stuff she didn't know they knew. Her mind was in overdrive.

"Uncle Mason!" Petra asked as she jumped up from the couch, suddenly angry and agitated. "Did he ask you to call him that, I know you're naïve Lily, but you didn't fall for that did you. I have to admit that I am disappointed in Mason. I never thought-"

"Stop!" Lily shouted at her friend whose tone had continued to rise as she spoke. "Uncle Mason is a friend, so is Aunt Cassie. I babysit for them sometimes."

Petra stopped to stare at her as if she had never seen her before. "And you never thought to tell me that you babysit for Mason and Cassandra Stevens?"

Lily closed her eyes, dropping her head back on the couch with a groan. The day could not get any worse; she just wanted it to end.

"Did you know that Mason would be at the audition?" Petra asked, looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"No, he, they, rarely ever talk about work when I'm around. I had no idea that he was connected with the show until he walked in, and as soon as I saw him I wanted to run the other way. He, well, Aunt Cassie, did tell me I got the part though, so I knew before you called."

Petra fell to the couch next to her. "Why didn't you tell me you knew him?"

Lily shrugged. "It felt a little bit like bragging, and I didn't want you to think that I thought I was special."

"You are special Lily, which is why you ended up in three men's arms today." She teased, instantly ready to forgive Lily. The good thing about Petra was that she didn't hold onto stuff.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Lily looked over at her friend, finding it hard, as always, to believe that she forgave that easily.

"It's alright, you have always been kind of private, even when we were kids I knew there was stuff you didn't tell me about your parents. I get it; I figure you'll tell me if you want to." She wasted no time in getting to the point of her visit. "So, how did you end up in three men's arms today? But most importantly, what was it like to sit in Finn's lap? I bet that was exciting!" She grinned at her friend.

Lily groaned as she began to tell her the whole sordid tale, even the part about Finn giving her a lift home.

"It really has been a bad day for you, hasn't it?" she asked.

There was a knock, and then the door or her apartment swung open. "You should lock your door, Lily." Lily leaned her head over the back of the couch, looking at an upside down Davis.

"Go away Uncle Davis, I'm spending time with my friend Petra, I won't be able to make it for dinner," she insisted, glad that Petra was giving her an excuse to get out of it.

"Nope! We all wanna hear about how miserable your day was; it's our chosen entertainment for the evening." He let his eyes dart over to Petra. "Your friend can come too," he offered with a charming smile.

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