Percy's Shirt

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Setting- Camp Half-Blood, just before The Lost Hero, Percy is missing.

Lacey (daughter of Aphrodite) P.O.V


It's now been two weeks. Camp is dull without him. Campers are choosing sides about where he might be- missing or he abandoned us. I prefer the first. He would never abandon us, or more particularly, Annabeth. The poor girl is worried sick. She hasn't been out of the Athena cabin or the Poseidon cabin at all in the past two weeks. And, Mr D isn't at camp strangely.


Chiron won't tell us anything either, so he's no help. Malcolm (my crush, don't tell anyone!) told me that he was going to drag Annabeth to breakfast tomorrow. I truly hope she's okay. People look down on us children of Aphrodite because of who our mother is and because of Drew, our head councillor. Ugh. I hate her. Mitchell hates her. Everyone hates her. Except mother, I think.




I was talking to Mitchell as I was walking to the Dining Pavilion when I saw the door of the Poseidon cabin open. At first I thought it was Percy and he was home, then I saw short blonde hair. Malcolm. I thought Annabeth was in the Athena cabin last night. Obviously not. Mitchell and I ran to Malcolm, Annabeth stumbled out, wearing an oversized 'Goode Swim Team' jacket with a trident on the left side.


"Hey Annabeth. Who's shirt is that? It's too big fo- oh. It's Percy's, isn't it?" that's when she started crying. I got a better look at her, she was skinnier, her skin had lost her beautiful tan and it was pale, her hair was a mess, she had dark circles under her eyes and her grey eyes were dull. Malcolm and Mitchell sent me glares and I hugged Annabeth. "Oh sweetie. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." She sniffed "It's not your fault, I just miss him so much. And don't call me sweetie." Mitchell then hugged Annabeth from behind, then Malcolm joined, then another camper, then... At least half of the camp joined in the hug.


We finally could move when the conch horn blew, symbolising breakfast. The other half of the camp that wasn't part of the hug stared at Annabeth like she was an alien, which to most of them, she was, as they were new campers. Will got up and hugged Annabeth, then Clarisse hugged her, then Katie, then Lou, Nyssa and the Stoll brothers, who didn't steal anything for once.


"Ah, Annabeth! Good to see you out of Athena's and Poseidon's cabins. Now, has anyone found any news on Perseus?" Chiron asked. A voice spoke from near me "We found a bit of his shirt somewhere in San Fransisco, but nothing else." Thalia! "Why would you care, Hunter?" The bi- I mean Drew asked with a sneer "Because he is my cousin and the only male Artemis stands. Any more stupid questions?" Drew turned red and turned her head away. I looked over to the Athena table and saw Annabeth asleep, her head on the table and I cooed to myself, showing Mitchell. Maybe the search for Percy won't be so helpless with the Hunters on board with us.


So... How was it? Good? Bad? I have this... Job orientation today... At McDonalds...

Nico's happy meals c:

I'm gonna be working in the café, on my free days, when I'm not at dancing, so my stories will have really slow updates.




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