Chapter 3: Dark secret

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<==December 14th==>
A man with a black cloak walks forward into a giant scientific like room with flames, the man also carried a metallic briefcase. "Yet with all your failures... now I am here, To get this over with..." The mysterious black cloak guy turns around and looks at a scientist on the ground on his knees. "I TRIED EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING!... Why do you want this to happen?" The scientist says with fear on his voice seeing other scientists dead on the ground. The scientist coughs because of the flames around the area. "Well I gave you a chance... and now... I wanted this to happen because.. There is just to much human population... people killing Pokémon and also EACH OTHER... this MUST end, that is why I needed this plan to happen and yet here I am... I am pretty disappointed on you.... I trusted can you let this happen?" The mysterious cloak guy says to the scientist. "Please!" The scientist yells crying. "Shh, shh it's going to be ok" The mysterious guy says. The mysterious guy walks up to a big machine that has a huge tank filled with blue glowing chemical and opens his briefcase. "I have to get this job done right..." The mysterious guy says pulling out a white and bluish transparent gem with a light gray symbol in the middle of it. "Wh-Wha-What are you going to do?" The scientist says with fear. "It's pretty obvious.. and so I will let you know, my original name is Adam..." The mysterious cloak guy finally reveals his name as Adam. As Adam said that, he putted a sharp needle inside the gem and once he finished that the gem was glowing blue and white. Before Adam putted the needle connected to the huge tank filled with blue liquid inside, he putted on black gloves so he couldn't be turned into a Pokémon from the gem. "Now come HERE!" Yells Adam. In a few seconds later the scientist gets up and tries to run away from him but fell. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" The scientist yells at Adam. "Oh yes I can!" Adam yelled back at him. Adam runs towards the scientist and puts the glowing blue and white transparent gem on the scientist's hands. The Gem that the scientist was holding was glowing so bright it almost blinded him. Adam walks away from the scientist laughing. "Good luck with your new life Mr Scientist!" Adam laughs. "NOO!" The scientist yells. The scientist was feeling a strong warmth coming from the gem to his hands and he couldn't get rid of the gem off his hand. The gem was stuck on his hand. "Help!" Yells the scientist knowing that there will not even be any help. An explosion happened on the scientist's hand and it knocked him hard on the wall.

<==December 15th==>
The scientist woke up from a long nap in the middle of the wild. {Wh-Where am I?} "Aa-Aah Vulpix?" The scientist's name is Lucas. Lucas noticed that he was transformed into a Alolan Vulpix by Adam from the gem. {Oh crap! Darn it!} "Ah Eah! Vulpix!" Lucas yells. "Hey dude I think I heard a Pokémon around here somewhere I think it's a Vulpix because of it's-" a random voice says around the area. {Oh no, no, no!} "Ah eh, eh, eh!" Lucas whispers to himself. Lucas runs away from the two voices on the area to avoid getting captured. "Dude I found a squirtle!" A voice says to another person on the area. {Great they won't find me-} "Vulpix eh aaah Vulpix-" Lucas stops because he sees a shadow behind him. Lucas turns around and sees a pokèball thrown at him. When the pokèball touched Lucas it captured Lucas inside the pokèball and got out in a few seconds. {No!} "Eah!" Lucas yells at the person that threw the pokèball at him and runs away. A few minutes later Lucas was by himself in the wild. {Oh no what am I going to do?... In a couple of days I will loose consciousness and act like a totally normal Alolan Volpix If I don't do nothing about this!} "Vulpix vulpix aah?... Aaeh aah aee Vulpix!" Lucas looks around the environment he is on. Snowy white trees and snow around the floor. {Well... this body does keep me warm around snowy environments... I'm sort of lucky but... uhm.. I think sooner or later I will not be myself anymore... I don't know what to do...} "Vulpix... Aeah eeieah Vulpix Vulpix aah Eah... Vulpix... eah... Vulpix aaeeh eii aah... Vulpix..." Lucas says to himself, Lucas then looks at his fluffy tail. {I still don't understand how I got used to this body that quick} "Vulpix Vulpix aah eeih" Lucas notices that it's snowing. In a few seconds Lucas cries in fear and sadness. {Nah.. it doesn't matter if I loose my self consciousness I will still live after all! Hehe...} "Eeih... Ah Vulpix Vulpix eeh aeih Vulpix! Hehe..." Lucas walks around the environment crying.

Two hours later Lucas finds a pond that's freezed. Lucas sighs. {Here goes nothing...} "Aeih Vulpix..." Lucas says walking up towards to the freezed pond. As Lucas walks on the ice he notices that ice crystals are growing from ice every step Lucas takes on the ice. {Woah!} "Oeaah!" Lucas has fun in the ice for hours and for many hours during the day Lucas has been having fun being a Alolan Vulpix. Hours later it's night and Lucas is still sad because he misses being a human and because he is worried what's going to happen next to him. Lucas saw a camp fire lit up a few inches away from him with two people, a woman with a plate of food and a man with a pokèball on his hands. Lucas did not care anymore about getting cough so he joins them crying. "A Alolan Vulpix!..." The man yells silently. "Shh... Its crying! What's wrong little one?" The woman says reaching her hand slowly at Lucas so Lucas can trust her. Lucas walks up to her and let her pet him. The man looks at her and Lucas. "Your Fluffy! It has one tail! It must be a new born!... Its cute and fluffy" The woman says. The man puts his Pokèball away. "Should we catch it?" The man says to the woman. "I think it wants me..." The woman responds to the man. "My name is Emma! And he over there is my husband! His name is Marcus!" Emma says to Lucas. Lucas sighs. {Why?...} "Vulpix?" Says Lucas to Emma. "Yes that's our names! Hmm... what about yours? Should I name you?" Emma says to Lucas. {Hmm... sure?...} "Eehm... Vulpix?..." Responds Lucas looking directly at her. "I think it's trusting me!" Says Emma to her husband. "Great!" Marcus says looking away. {Oh great...} "eh Vulpix..." says Lucas. "I'm going to name you... Frost!" Emma calls Lucas Frost now. {At least my identity is hidden now!} "Ah eah aih Vulpix!" Says Frost. Emma pulls up a pokéball and shows it to Frost. {No PLEASE!} "Vulpix!" Frost yells angrily. "Ok, ok have this then" Emma gives Frost a piece of bread. {Thanks...} "Vulpix..." Says Frost taking the piece of bread on his mouth. {yum!} "Aeih!" Forst says eating his bread. Emma pets Frost. "Your ok" Emma walks inside the camper and brings a blanket and puts in on the floor outside. "Lay here if you want to sleep, here's some fresh water" Emma brings a small bucket of water filled with water. Frost feels loved. Minutes later Frost fells asleep.

<==Hours before the events of Rookie and Frost==>
Adam walks by a sidewalk and puts a stack of gold and money on the floor. Adam opens up a briefcase filled with ten transparent gems that have different colors. Adam takes a brown one and places it on the pile of gold and money. "This should do it... Heheheheh.."

<==December 16th==>
Adam walks forward with a briefcase to this scientist. "Here you go some of the gems are inside" Adam says to the scientist lending the briefcase at him. "Thank you" the scientist says taking the briefcase and opens it up. "Yep all of them are in there..." The scientist says closing the briefcase. "Here you go..." The scientist says to Adam lending him a box. Adam takes it and opens the box. "Thank you very much" Adam says. Adam takes a watch looking thing and places it on his hand. Adam looks at the scientist smiling. Adam finally pushes a button from the watch looking thing and turns into a charizard. "Wha... what?" The scientist yells. Adam burns the whole place down and the briefcase opens up and released a gas that was turning any human in the area into ditto's.

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