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wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style!

❛wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style! ❜

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( oh so you're a heartbreaker! )

𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐇 𝐌𝐀𝐘 was an unlucky girl who kept on getting stuck in worse situations. It felt like sometimes she was a magnet, and life was a series of metals that slammed towards her. For instance when she was four years old, and she launched a stapler on her lip causing a shit ton of blood, and an even angrier stepmother. Or when she was fifteen and was left drunk in a ditch when she went partying with her friends ( but now she wouldn't call them friends ). But she managed to keep her clumsy head up, and lived by the words of her mother. Smile, straighten your back and hope some rich asshole nabs you before the age of twenty-five so you can make it in the world. The words seemed harsh, but Savannah believed them. She was stupid. Dumb as a nail. She couldn't do the math, she was dyslexic and probably couldn't read the first paragraph of Jane Eyre, and people visibly cringed when she attempted to add something to any subject. But she was pretty. Gorgeous sapphire eyes and dark ebony waves meant that whatever God had left out of her head, she'd made up for in her looks. And her mother was right- her looks had gotten her somewhere. A husband- Richard Clarke. When she'd finally settled down after being shipped off to an assortment of Aunts and Uncles throughout the U.S., her mother found the handsome young man through his work ( which he neglected to tell her about....strange ). 

Richard was perfect. At least at first. Nice eyes, a knowing smile, and hell he was competent. Which was more than she could offer to the relationship, which made her feel sorta guilty? But then he got a little secretive. Savannah was stupid, but she wasn't that stupid. He came back late at night, would leave promptly without a word, and then ask her for money. A lot. She kept track of it- by the end of their first 4 months, he'd made off with $100,000 dollars. She'd ask someone about it- but she was a stupid girl. No one would pay her any mind. And then he started moving around. First,  they'd moved from L.A. to Atlanta. And then from Atlanta to New York. And then from New York to some town in the middle of Oregon. And she didn't say a single thing. She just watched- carefully. 

When they were settled in their new home, Savannah was miserable. She was in a new home, without any of her friends, in the middle of nowhere- hell Richard wouldn't even let her call her dad. And so she asked. It was a simple question: "Richie why the hell are we even here- I mean hell- I haven't called my dad in months?" That was received with a glass plate thrown at her head, and a threat to never ask him about why they were moving. 

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