ah crap, here we go.

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Before we get into this, I want to say sorry if this is not what you wanted, and I ruined Wattpad forever, but I guess I hope you like it! By the way, I don't agree with rasism, so please don't kill me...Also English was not my first language, so sorry if there are any mistakes in here. (But I have taken English lessons for over 4years now, so I'm pretty good....) Anyway , thanks for clicking on this thing! ♥️💙

Damain was lying on a couch in one of the many living areas in the giant mansion reading great expectations by Charles Dickens, when Jason, Tim, dick and Bruce followed by Alfred close behind, walked through the door, disturbing the silence.

"Hey demon spawn!" Jason said loudly with a smile on his face. Damian groned silently.
He hated the nickname 'demon spawn' even though he never would addmit it, the nickname really made his self esteem lower down a bit. Damian had trouble displaying his emotions because he was still scared that his family would do the same thing his mother would do when he showed weakness. He would be punished and beaten painfully, and he was terrified that his family would turn around and do the same thing.

"What do you need?" Damian replied looking up from his book.

"Well its 12:00, a we were thinking if we co-" Tim was about to finish his sentence until dick jumped in.

"IF WE COULD GO TO MACDONALD'S!!" Richards voice filled the whole room.

"No, fast food places are nothing but sugar and unhealthy snacks. You can all go, but I'm staying here." Damian looked back down  at his book, but was shocked when it was suddenly taken right out of his hands.


"No, you havent been eating to much Damian, and we thought that maybe we could go a sit out for dinner for a change.." Bruce said as he held Damian's book above the height that Damian could reach. He looked down at Damian jumping up and down trying to get a grip of the book in concern. After about 10seconds, Damain decided to give up, and so nodded his head in defeat. The room filled with laughter and shouts of victory, as the family marched their way to the exit of the house, and out to the car.

Sorry if it was short, but it took longer that you think. Anyway, god help us as I make another chapter and we fall deeper into this demon hole we call fanfiction.👿🕳️

Send me feedback please, love to here it.
Anyway see you soon in the hole. 🙂

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