Chapter 11 - Everybody Wants To Take His Love Away

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In the beginning, Niall seemed nervous. The thought of letting someone touch him again was mortifying, made him tremble in fear. Or at least, made him want to. His body did tremble though-when he finally gave in to the need, the craving if Zayn, the boy made his whole life quake. Zayn had his big painters hands all over him, in places he don't even know where sensitive before now.

They sent along his sides first, just under his arms pits, where they dipped Ito the canyons of his ribs, like some kind of instrument no one every made it big with. He used to play with one in the orphanage. He thought he was pretty damn good-of course, then everyone got their turn and he figured he was just average, on an average piece of machinery.

But if Zayn were to play it, he would be a pro, a artist, a musician. Because he sure knew how to work sweet sweet music out of Niall. His hands picked up their neck instrument next, Niall's nipples, in which he swished his fingers across, flickers and pinched. It made Niall twist and arch and quiver. His hips jumped and his ass did this little quench thing, like he were in a doctors office and a man in a white clock was snapping his gloves and saying, "bare down."

Zayn's mouth was in his neck like he was playing a saxophone of something exotic like that. His hands drifted south and wrapped his left hand around Niall's dick. He almost through he was left handed for a second, before his right got to the real work, searching for the lamp the night stand, trying to get it out so the only light was the winter sun outside.

Despite the distraction of the hunt, Zayn's had was still working magic. Maybe Zayn shouldn't work with wind instrument or the one that went 'ding!' No, he was a string man, defiantly. He could probably okay violin, or maybe Cello. Guitar would be way too main stream for the likes of Zayn. He was a rare breed of man who needed the most exquisite things.

When Zayn found the lamp their was an eruption of cheers, but in a silent form. Their bodies relaxed, because neither of then had to get up, and to teenagers, that was defiantly a pain. Zayn went right back to work, reaching down to grab ahold of himself with his right hand, the hand he'd been ore occupied with a second ago. "Relax,'s going to hurt at first but I swear I'll be careful," he promised, eyes searching for answers as he pushed in.

Fuck strings, and wind, and dings. Slide whistle was at the top of the list right now. Niall wanted to make that sort of noise. He cursed and clutched Zayn's wide shoulders for suppose as he was split in two, one side of him running off and the other holding in for dear life. His body was a jumble of fuck me and fuck off. It felt so good while one side screamed no. Screamed stop. Zayn had this sort of sixth sense about him. He could hear that little voice and he stopped. "Is something wrong?" He whined.

Niall nodded, he wanted this. Zayn was going to make everything better, make this life a bit worth living. And it did feel good, after all. "I'm fine, in fine." He gasped.

Zayn tolerate the breathy answer and shifted his hips for a better angle. When the crinkled beside Niall's eyes faded away, he pulled back, then worked his way back in, till every thrust was loosening up Niall.

It only took a good five minutes, before Niall was losing his composure and cuming all over himself with a little help from Zayn's right hand.

For Zayn, though, it was a difficult task. He'd never had trouble cuming before, came natural for boys his age, but something wasn't getting him there, Niall could feel that. In a last ditch effort, Zayn flipped Niall over, and bent his knees till the arched of his feet matched the mound of his as. It was uncomfortable for Niall, but he wanted Zayn to feel the way he did. So what I he got off a little differently than he did? It was okay. Zayn fucked Niall between his feet and cried out in a way Niall had never heard a man moan when he came. It was a surge of white hot pleasure and they lay there for a moment before Zayn pulled out and dropped down beside him in a heap of cum and sweat.

They didn't talk about the feet thing, they didn't talk about anything for a while. The sex was good, and the comfortable closeness was even better.

Zayn was the first to move, reaching over and sliding his arm around Niall's side. "Merry Christmas." He yawned. Niall hummed and grabbed their blanket, which they strewn over themselves before their eyelids were heavy to keep open anymore.


The following day his family packed up and left. It was good to get back to the basics for once. Dinner was simple, the days were simple. Everything was as it should be.

Though, Niall knew. He knew lift didn't Just get better. The calm before the storm, and silence before the scream. Any day now, life would blow up in his face like a bomb on Hiroshima. He knew better.

Yet, he let himself get sucked in to it all. He let himself believe that this place could be good, be a sanctuary, where he and Zayn could be happy, and safe. And most importantly these days, together. It's three days into the new year and Niall knows he's off to a bad start. There's screaming about money from Zayn's parents, and it makes Niall want to hide. The girls keep trying to play with him but they at tricks that make Niall's stomach twist. What if they hurt him.

It's Saturday, and the youngest of the girls, Niall can't remember her name, is colouring on the floor. Niall's set at the couch beside Zayn was watching some show he doesn't recognise. The girl glances up at him, and she giggled. "Do you wunna at hide and seek?" He thinks he's asking him, but she's tugging on Zayn's pant leg. Niall wants to cry. "Niall can be the seeker." She tells him. Can she not see him sitting right here? Does she not know he's listening?

Why does no one want to let him have fun? He whined, and goes to nudge the girl with his foot but he hits her too hard, and she smacks I to the table where he begins to cry.

From there it's like fog. Niall's being screamed at, and Zayn just stands back-like...Like it's all normal, or something. Is this? Is this how it's supposed to go? He whimpers, an Zayn's dad raises a hand.

That's where a Niall loses it. He's out the door and running-always running. His bare feet are frozen to the core but he just keeps running.

Till the snow is so thick he can't see his hand in front of his face.

He wants Zayn.

[A/N: if I wrote 'Stiles' or 'Derek' anywhere please let me know so I can fix it?-PandaBear]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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