the private hate comment i get.

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I don't even know where to tell you how bad they have gotten. As more and more time passed about me

Telling you about my depression the private hate comments have gotten out of control and I can't stand it!

People have said the same thing everyone else does. 'Oh you're not really depressed' 'go kys!'

'If you're depressed Then stop Updating. You're a really bad writer.' And also other things degrading

Myself and my hard work. This is not okay and this has to end now. No one should be sending hate comments

To me or to anyone else!! This has to end here and now. I don't wanna deal with this anymore. I've tried to

Update as much as I can these past few days!! And also not to sound like  bitch or rude but if you don't like my

Content, then don't read it! No is or csn force you to read it. If you wanna give me suggestions on how to make

My book better than tell me it. I wanna you guys to enjoy it and I also wanna be a better writer. You readers

Can tell it to me but there is a NICE way to do that. These hate comments end right now. Anyways... Bai

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