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Guess who's procrastinating again? That's right, it's your favourite host.

Since it's summer and I've started on the usual rampage again, searching through manga, anime and, of course, books (Wattpad and published), I've decided it's time HGA has its own version of Review Shop. I'll share my thoughts and mildly criticize the books/manga, lift the summary right from Google Books or Goodreads and save you the trouble of wading through Wattpad/Manga Archive in search for something mind-numbing crazy/cheesy to pass time. You're welcome.

You can recommend what I can look into or fangirl with me over the crazy twists/meltdown romance. I can read pretty much any genre, including mature. 

But, don't link your books here and ask me to read your books. I DO NOT take self-promote requests.

Let's dive into it.

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