Prologue - front page I saw your picture, they make you look so small

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I want to dedicate this to Jay and Sheri, for always being there to support me from the beginning

She did not need a morning alarm in the summer. The first ray of sun always hits her bed, and she could not sleep a little over five minutes in that heat. The rolled over groaning in the pillow, the pain from sleeping on her files was her biggest mistake. She pressed her cold fingers on her stomach, where there was a line imprinted from the file.  

The door opened to let in a girl that was carrying a tray of food. She was careful not wake the princess, as it was a known fact around here that she suffered from insomnia. Even though it was out of her place, because Irene was just a governess for Prince George. She was not part of the kitchen staff, to serve breakfast to the princess. Yet, she did. She was about to place the tray on the table nearby. The tray contained a banana, milk, her favourite bowl of cereal, couple of pancakes, maple syrup imported from Canada, and her favourite twix bar for the day. Just as she was going to place the tray, a voice boomed scaring the living hell out of her. 

"What are you doing?" The four words were enough to put Irene in a shock, the tray is her fell from her hands. The liquid contents soaking all the files that were around the table. Some absorbing the carpet beneath her feet. Horror stuck her face, and her hands and feet just froze, not knowing what to do next. Diana was quick on her feet to retrieve the files and put them somewhere dry. It would have been better if Irene did not offer to bring upper breakfast. Her mouth started uttering all the apologies known to the world, her eyes fixed on the ground. 

"Guards!" Diana yelled. In seconds two of them popped at her door. "Please escort her out of here immediately." Diana turned my back and opened the folder to see a part of it soaked with milk. When she realized more than 75% of the document was soaked drop it in disgust and follow them. "Wait! Identify yourself" She called out. They were all in a halt. But she ignored what Irene had to say, and analyzed Irene for herself.

Bitten ends of nails – Nervous. Pressed ends in her pointer and thumb – writing part time of some sort. Ink left in her cheek – naughty behaviour by an individual. Preferably a five-year-old male. Governess for George, my nephew of some sort.

"Irene Cass, Governess for George, Prince of Cambridge"

"Well, Ms. Cass you can pack your bags because we're going to have to let you go." Diana coldheartedly replied. She turned on her heels as she heard sobs of Irene echoing the hallway. She reached her room, and texted Emma. Emma was probably one of the few people, that Diana was able to tolerate. Maybe it was because she was there since the beginning, from the death of Diana's parents till now. She had a reason to trust Emma, because she had the best interests for her. She helped her from those sleepless nights and the times she would have a breakdown. 

She arrived carrying Diana's favourite cup of tea, Diana quickly grabbed it off her hand in hunger. "Do you have the files?" Diana asked her. Of course, Emma had reprinted all the files that have gone to waste with their updates notes from Diana solving them. 

"Yes, and someone will be here to clean that up. I already brought your outfit. Breakfast is on the table. Anything else?" Emma knew Diana very well and that's what made them closer than everyone. 

Diana finished her tea and walked into the bathroom, and Emma followed her. She sat on the marble slab near the sink. Her back to the mirror that stretched across that wall. Diana quickly brushed my teeth, while Emma recited her agenda for that today.

"At 4-6 you have to go for a dress fitting, hair and makeup. Seven o'clock you have to assemble at the court with everyone else." 

"For what?" Diana mumbled with the brush still creating foam in her mouth. "Only the annual Freedom Ball, no big deal" Emma mentioned sarcastically. 

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