Awakening (Short Story)

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While the stars twinkled high in the midnight sky, a young girl pranced down the street. The sound of children chanting a familiar tune filled the air. "Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." As she walked by them, neither of them making eye contact, she noticed a boy standing alone. While she continued to gallop in his direction, the boy deviated, his eyes locking with hers.

The girl skidded to a stop, for nobody, not even her parents, ever looked her eye to eye. For a moment she was frighted then, the boy spoke. "Hello. Can you see me?" The girl giggled shyly. "Um, of course I can see you." The boy turned his face to the ground, a tear rolled down his cheek. "What is wrong?" The little girl asks as she takes a step closer. The boy looks to the sky. "I feel like I'm invisible, nobody sees me except you." The little girl puts her hand to her chest.

"Well, you don't have to feel alone . . . because I am the same way, my parents don't even notice me." The little boy turns his back to the little girl. "I don't even have parents. All I have is a big brother and blind grandfather, and my brother is in the Army." The little girl shot straight up as an idea rampaged through her mind. "Will you be my friend, at least for tonight?" Once more the little boy turned and looked at her through the corner of his eye. "I would like that." The little girl smiled. "Good, my name is Trinity I am nine years old." The little boy laughed. "Hi Trinity, my name is Xaviel and I am 12."

"Xaviel?" Trinity called out to him. "Would you like to go Trick-or-Treating with me?" Trinity clasped her hands behind her back, rocking to and fro waiting for his answer. "Of course, I can't remember the last time I had someone to Trick-or-Treat with." Xaviel extended his right arm linking it firmly around Trinity's "Ouch!" Trinity cried out in pain. "What happen, did I do something wrong?" Trinity shakes her head. "No, I am just really sensitive is all." Trinity folds her fingers around Xaviel's hand and they skip down the street.

After a few blocks Trinity stops. "What now?" Xaviel questions. "We aren't wearing costumes." Xaviel examines the both of them, It was true they were dressed in normal clothing. "Well, What do you want to do?" Trinity puts her finger and thumb to her chin, tapping her foot to a steady beat. "Aha!" she exclaimed. "We can go to my house, I have a lot of dress up clothing and I'm sure there is something you can wear." Trinity was still tapping her foot as he answered "Um, OK." Xaviel was a little unsure but he was happy to have a new friend to talk with.


         Upon arriving at her house he admired how nice it was. The two-story structure with a porch that went all the way around, had him standing in awe. While Trinity retrieved the spare key from under the door mat, Xaviel looked around. I'm sure this garden use to be beautiful. He thought to himself as he inspected the wilted flowers. "Come on silly." She beckoned him. "Follow me."

Up the stairs they trudge, past a man sleeping on the coach. Finally, they came to a room of pink and white. Trinity ran to her closet and slung open the doors, there she found a pretty one piece along with a tu-tu for herself, adding on a crown and baton. "Look Xaviel, I can be a ballerina fairy." Xaviel smiled at her. She tossed the outfit to the floor then began scavenging through her closet again. "Here Xaviel, do you want to be a Doctor or Fireman?" Xaviel thought for a second. "Fireman!" he blurted out. "OK"

Once in their costumes they headed down stairs. They made it half way down, when a knock fall upon the door causing the man on the coach to awaken. Trinity hid in the shadow, watching as the man stumbled to the door. "Trick-or-Treat!" They heard a group of children shout. "Get lost kids I don't have any candy, It's bad for you anyway now get lost." Xaviel looked at Trinity. "Who is that?" he whispered. Trinity shied away from his gaze. "My dad." Xaviel lend forward to get a closer look at his face. "You kind of look like him." Xaviel went to look at her and smile when suddenly, he lost his footing. He reached for something to grab on to, in an attempt to prevent him from falling, but to no avail. Xaviel tumbled down the remainder of the stairs landing on his bottom.

Xaviel peered up at Trinity. "Whew, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Trinity retreated even deeper into the shadow extending her finger in the direction of Xaviel. "What is it this time?" Xaviel rotated his gaze to where he was now facing in the direction she was pointing. There in the light protruding from the window was a silhouette of a man. "What are you doing?" The man spoke in a deep voice unlike the one he used at the door. "Um, I . . ." Xaviel was shaking. "Speak boy, Who are you, and how did you get in here?" Xaviel pointed at Trinity, She shoke her head. The man reached down to grab the boy, but before he placed a hand on him he was hit in the head with a ball. "Who else did you bring in my house?" he says to Xaviel.

"I'm Sorry sir Trinity and I . . ."

"H . . . How do you know that name?" The man stopped Xaviel before he could finish. Xaviel looked at him with a puzzled expression. "Well" He began. "I was standing by a tree out by the park and she came up to me, said her name was Trinity and that she was nine years old." Xaviel watched as the mans eyes wealed up with tears. He continued. "We began walking than relized we didn't have costumes on, so she suggested we come here and go through her closet." The man fell to his knees. "You can see my Trinity?" Xaviel looked to the stairs Trinity was now standing in the light of the window. "She is there." Xaviel pointed at her. "Can't you see her?" The man placed his hands on Xaviel shoulders. " Please boy tell her I love her." Xaviel's sight falls once more on Trinity she shrugs her shoulders. He looks to the man "You tell her, she is right there." The man looked over then shook his head. "No my boy, Trinity passed a week ago from Cancer." Xaviel turned to the stairs and Trinity was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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