Chapter 33

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I sit in front of my vanity, staring at myself in the mirror and unwrapping my wet hair from the towell I had it in. Trying to steady my shaking hands, I think I probably shouldn't be so nervous, but given how our last 'meet the family' event went, I'm absolutely terrified. Every possible worst-case-scenario is running through my head as I try to be prepared for whatever may come tonight. Luckily, my overthinking is interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Honey, will you come downstairs and help me set the table?" my mom asks as she peeks her head into my bedroom. "You're not even dressed yet!" she points out the obvious, "Your date could be here any minute."

"I'll be down in a second, I just need a moment to finish getting ready."

"Okay but don't take too long, I want to take out the fancy china and God knows that takes forever." She says turning and shutting the door behind her, not giving me the time to open my mouth and argue with her.

My mom always has to go the extra mile. When I told her that I was bringing Noah over for dinner she made a huge deal about it, and insisted on preparing a fancy meal for all of us. I wouldn't expect anything less from her, given that she's a chef, but I just wish she would keep it low-key for once. I don't want Noah to feel intimidated by how intense my parents can be. But then again, if he can handle his family, I figure it shouldn't be too hard for him to handle mine.

I quickly comb my fingers through my damp hair and throw on an outfit so I can go help my mom with the preparations. If I don't hurry up I'll have her knocking on my door again in about two minutes.

Deciding on something simple yet appropriate for the occasion, I'm wearing a peach coloured floral dress that reaches my mid-thigh, has a heart-shaped neckline and short puffy sleeves. I let my hair air dry and flow straight in its natural state, using a couple of bobby pins at the front to keep it away from my face. Content with the way I look, I get out of my room and skip down the stairs.

I find my mom in the kitchen, with a white apron tied around her waist, her outfit for the evening already on under it, and her thick brown hair pinned up in a neat bun. She's kneeling down in front of the oven to check on whatever the source of that delicious smell in the air is, and as she opens the door a cloud of steam comes floating out, making her scrunch up her face as she fans it out with her hand. I can finally see what's inside, and from the looks of it she's making some kind of roast. I'm glad to see my begging payed off and that she changed her mind about the fondue.

"Oh great hun, you're done. Go get the plates from the cabinet and prepare the table" she says looking around for something "Here, use this." She tosses a white tablecloth with golden accents at me. I roll my eyes at how jittery she is, but at the same time a small smile tugs at the corner of my lip. Though she can be a pain sometimes with her perfectionist ways, I'm really thankful she's putting so much effort into this dinner. Besides, I'd be lying if I said I'm not every bit as much of a perfectionist as she is. Like mother, like daughter, I guess.

In the dining room, I open the big wooden cabinet where my mom keeps her special china, usually reserved only for important events or festivities. They are white porcelain plates, accentuated with a gold rim, and with an ornate design all around the edge. She keeps them individually covered in bubble wrap and newspapers, just in case, which makes unwrapping them a pain in the ass, but God forbid anyone ever broke one. Last time that happened, let's just say that Christmas wasn't so merry.

By the time I'm done setting the table to my mother's liking, I hear a car pull up in my driveway, and the door opens and closes. I nervously approach the front door and swing it open, only to see my dad walk through, relief washing over me. "Hi baby" he says planting a quick kiss on the top off my head as he passes by me on his way to the kitchen, "Mmm that smells delicious as always" he greets my mom with a kiss too as he examines the food, and a smile spreads across her face.

"Hi Sterling," She says without lifting her gaze from her task, "If you're going to change, do it quickly. Maddison's date is gonna be here soon." She calls after him as he climbs up the stairs and waves a dismissive hand.

"Need any help?" I ask my mom, joining her in the kitchen. I'm just asking for the sake of it, I already know she doesn't ever let anyone interfere with her cooking process.

"No sweety, that's alright. I'm almost done anyway," She gives me a once over, "Are you sure you want to wear that? You have so many clothes, you could do much better." She says gesturing at my outfit. I sigh because I knew that sort of comment was coming, but that didn't stop me from feeling self conscious.

"I'm sure mom."

"Well at least go run a brush through your hair, it looks kind of frizzy." I roll my eyes but decide to just do what she says, otherwise she'll be bugging me about it for the next three hours.

As I take a step up the staircase, I hear the distant sound of a motorbike engine approaching quickly and I freeze in my spot, focusing on the sound. A moment goes by and it stops, seconds before the doorbell rings. There's no more family members left, so there's only one person it could be.

"I'll get it!" I say when I hear my mom's heels clicking down the hallway towards the front door. She gives me a knowing look and walks back to the dining room.

I open the door to find a handsome-looking Noah standing outside with an award winning smile sketched across his face. He's wearing a white button-up shirt, black jeans, and black dress shoes. His golden hair is pushed back and styled to perfection. I look down and notice that he's holding not only one, but two bouquets of flowers and a white, glossy box.

"Good evening Ma'am" he tips his imaginary hat, "May I come in?" he asks with a dimpled smile.

"You may, fine sir" I laugh as I make way for him to come inside and close the door behind him.

"Hi," he kisses my cheek softly "You look beautiful by the way."

"You clean up quite nicely yourself," I reply smiling.

"Are you nervous?" He asks.

"Aren't you?"

"Not at all, moms love me." he winks and I roll my eyes.

"These are for you" he says, handing me a bundle of red roses and blushing like a shy little boy.

"Thank you, roses are my favourite." I say taking a little whiff of their perfume.

"Shall we?" He gestures towards the dining room.

"We shall" I say, linking our arms together.

Noticing my uneasiness, he traces his fingers down my arm and takes my hand into his, giving it a reassuring squeeze and making me relax slightly. With that, we start heading down the hall, ready for whatever this night has in store for us.

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