chapter one.

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          "Why didn't you answer my texts?" Theo whined as Margo met him at her doorstep. Margo received Theo's text at 7 in the morning, and didn't even bother to reply to Theo's complaints about the Biology project they were going to start in class today. Margo was too busy catching some z's to even check her best friend's text.

          Theo Callahan was Margo's current best friend. The two met during the summer at this one summer camp, with Margo still being such an outgoing person she became a magnet to other extroverted kids like Theo. With time, Margo learned her best friend was popular with the ladies. Even though they were young, freshmen in high school to say the least, Theo made majority of Midtown High's female population swoon. To Margo's eyes, it was like magic, as if Theo's brunette curls and freckles put all the girls at school under a spell that was impossible to break.

          "Theo, you literally have nothing to worry about." Margo rolled her eyes at her best friend as they began walking in the direction of their school. Liam, Theo's cousin, tagged along behind them as he went to Midtown Intermediate—a school for 7th and 8th graders that would end up going to Midtown High.

          "Yeah, I guess but I don't want to be paired up with Brielle! No offense, but she kinda freaks me out." Theo shuddered as the three kids stopped abruptly to see if the car passing would be aware that children would be crossing the street. As the saying goes, "look both ways when you cross the street". Margo shrugged her shoulders as she thought about Theo's reason as to why he was freaking out in the first place; it was pretty reasonable.

          Brielle freaked everyone out, as she just had this odd personality and gave a weird vibe that really did make people shudder. She once went down on her knees and proclaimed to Jake Danvers— right in front of the whole class, that she would do anything for him and Margo was there to witness the whole thing. Besides that, she had the biggest crush on Theo and because she did, Brielle always glared daggers at Margo. If looks could really kill, Margo would've been dead ages ago.

          As the car let the kids pass, Theo paused for a moment, and tilted his head in question. "Wait, who were you paired up with last time?" Margo dragged her friend across the street, with his little cousin now far ahead of them. Liam had managed to find a couple of his own friends, ditching the two fools he quite considered as family.

          "Ned, I was partnered up with Ned. Honestly, I hope we're partners again, cause the guy's pretty good at biology, not only that he's really sweet, and funny too." Margo smiled at the thought, she was quite fond of Ned and his antics. Theo nodded, "Well, I hope he's my partner this time, cause I am definitely not going to be partners with Brielle."

          Margo chuckled, hooking her arm with Theo's as they bounded through the field behind the school. Midtown High wasn't far from where the two lived, all the had to do was follow the yellow brick road—or more like, pavement but with a bunch of trees and greenery that led to the back entrance of the school. It was really just a 15 minute walk, maybe 20 if either Theo or Margo woke up late.

          The two burst through the heavy doors—that everyone seemed to struggle opening, and were met with students bustling, walking past, and rummaging through their lockers as the first bell rang. Margo lightly punched Theo's arm, signaling "see you later!" with Theo waving back, as the two parted ways, locating their own locker to rummage through.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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