0: The Reprise

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Left with nothing but the memories, the young Nara boy still reminisced.  The pain in his chest never seeming to fade.

Once a girl with innocent eyes and clean hands.  The thought of her past haunting her as she longs to go back to who she was before.  After struggling with broken memories she tries so desperately to piece back together, she finds herself loosing to insanity.

Both wounded. Scars still fresh even as the years go by.  Scars that will never fade because the damage was carved deep into their souls. 




When her parents were slaughtered was when this story began.  Years ago, an amazing tale filled with thrill and heartache emerged from this female and her hardships.




This is The Reprise of Our Scars.  A new story, similar plots.  Nothing besides the plot and Kawaguchi Akahana belongs to _hatake. 

I hope you enjoy this journey with me as I rewrite my first official (unfinished) book.  Thank you for choosing Our Scars, you won't regret it (hopefully).




"Mom...?"  A young female, not even past the age of four, garbled.  Her pale face displayed how naive she was about the world around her.  She didn't understand why her mother looked so distressed, stuffing a small folded paper into her tiny pockets.  

"Why... mom... crying?"  She said, hands reaching up to touch her mother's face, now stained with crystalline tears.  

Her mother grabbed her small hands, kissing them gingerly, before pressing another kiss to her forehead.  The girl giggled. 

"Akahana.. my sweet daughter."  Her mother whispered, blonde hair same as hers blowing gently in the breeze.  "I want you to run, okay?  Run as fast as you can up the path.  Nice people will find you and help you."

"Where... you go?"  Akahana said, tilting her head.  Her mother smiled painfully, caressing her daughter's head.

"I'm gonna go help daddy.  And you're gonna help us, too.  Just run, run, run."

A loud crash caused the girl to jump.  Yells and screams of war plaguing her ears.  She tried to look behind her mother, only to which she was stopped.

"You have to go, Akahana!"  Her mother cried, cherry orbs filled with agony, pushing her as her dad's voice boomed loudly through their once quiet home.  "Go!"

"Sera!  I need help!"

Running out of the back door, her blonde hair flew behind her as her small legs sprinted as far as they could.  When her thighs and calves began to ache she stopped, placing her hand on a tree for support.  She turned her head, crimson orbs widening when she saw her small-scaled, wooden home on fire. 

The flames were angry, raging and devouring her home, even attacking the innocent trees surrounding it.  Seeing the familiar statures of her parents, the girl watched.  She watched as her father pierced people with the katana she always saw on display; the gentle eyes she had engraved into her brain nowhere to be seen. 

Her mother's blonde hair seemed to dance behind her, seemingly struggling to keep up with the three enemy nin in front of her.  

Akahana's world froze when she saw a blade dig through her mother's chest, passing onto her other side.  Her dad's distressed face as he met the same fate. 

"Mom...  Dad.."  The girl whispered, seeing scarlet litter the ground as they oddly kept fighting. 

One man, a stubby, old male emerged from the burning house.  His irregular-shaded lips twisting up into a twisted grin as he met eyes with the young girl.  Then, when she blinked, he was right in front of her, squatting to meet her shocked orbs.

"Hello.."  His voice was slimy and instantly made the girl uncomfortable.  Then she remembered he mom said that nice people would find her.

Was this one of them?

He couldn't be.

So, she did what most children would do when they were scared.

"Mommy!  Daddy!  Help me!"  Akahana cried loudly, her pleas ringing through the forest.  Her dad's eyes widened, snapping to where his daughter's voice was coming from.  Sena's eyes began to burn a brighter red than they previously were. 


"Uh-oh.  This isn't good."  The man said, his tongue licking his lips as he hoisted the girl up.  She screamed louder.

"Get your hands off my daughter!"

And that was the last scene she was before everything went red.  Everyone's face was distorted as the loud voices now only seemed far away. 

When the world became its normal hues again, she saw and felt her mother holding her tightly.  Over her mother's shoulder, she saw her dad's back, his clothes littered with dirt and blood, as he laid still.

"Mommy... let go."  Akahana said, wriggling out of her mother's grasp only to see a hole in her mother's chest; the hold caused by the shinobi. The blood was now all over Akahana's shirt and arms.

She began to wail. 

"Akahana..."  Her mother breathed, the shine her irises gone and her once smooth, luminous blonde locks were now frizzy and stained crimson and brown.  Her cries stopped, being replaced by small sniffles.

"Mommy and daddy loves you... forever."

"Is that Kawaguchi Sera?  Who's that girl?"

She turned her head to see five figures, their faces covered with a mask.  

"That's her daughter... that must be Akira over there."

Hearing a 'thump,' her head turned back to her mom, who was now slumped on the path.  A ghost of a smile traced her lips as the color in her irises were gone.  Akahana bent down, shaking her mom's body lightly.

"Mommy... wake up."

Someone hoisted her up and before she could utter a sound, she felt a spot on her neck being pressed on.  Before closing her eyes, she saw the unmoving bodies of both her parents. 

"Mom... dad.."  She whispered, before everything went black.

"So only Chibi-chan here made it out alive, then?"  Someone said, throwing the girl over his shoulder.

"Hold on, Ryu, this fell from her pocket."

The five gathered to look at the neatly written words inside the note.  My name is Kawaguchi Akahana.  I am three years old and my mother is Kawaguchi Sena, and my father is Kawaguchi Akira.

It stated briefly about what happened, as if the person writing it was in a rush. Then, a small signature at the very bottom.  It was a name written in English.


"At least we got something to show the old man."

"Can you stop referring to Hiruzen-sama like that?"

"Stop bickering, you two, we have to get the girl back to Konoha, stat."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄: 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒 ― n. shikamaruWhere stories live. Discover now