Chapter 1 : the meeting

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It was 10am on a Tuesday morning , the rush hour of customers had ended and Jenny was stood behind the counter making her last few coffee orders before her break when a familiar face walked in . His name was Chris , Chris was a regular customer at the coffee shop ordering a bagel and black coffee with two sugars every time he came in . Chris was always staring at Jenny , sometimes he would sit in and just watch her without her realising of course. This particular day though Chris was going to pluck up the courage to finally ask Jenny out on a date .

Chris POV
She looked so stunning as per usual her long dark hair waving as the breeze through the window hit her . I couldn't help but think how much I wanted to just kiss her ... obviously she could do with a few extra pounds I mean she's practically a stick compared to my normal type of woman but I could soon change that about her . I went up to the counter finally plucking up the courage to ask her what I've always wanted to ask " er um hi Jenny I was wondering... would you maybe want to go out on a date with me this evening ?" I asked crossing my fingers behind my back . Immediately she grinned " of course "

Jenny POV
Oh my gosh I can't believe Chris actually asked me out I've had a small crush on him for a while now . He said something about a nice Italian place it's not really as healthy as I would of liked but I think this one cheat day is worth it if I get to know Chris . " sure sounds great I'll see you at 7 " Chris muttered those words too me I was so excited I had to dress up nice to impress him

As Jenny's shift drew to a close she packed up and rushed home to her apartment throwing on dress after dress to see what would make the best first impression . She went with a button up blouse and a black skirt with some heels . She applied some minimal makeup and straightened her normally frizzy curls as she posed in the mirror . " gosh why am I so ugly!" She said upset gazing at her phone . "6.45!!! I'm gonna be late !!!" She was startled quickly leaving the house jumping in her car and driving to the sweet small Italian restaurant. She finally arrived and entered seeing him sat in a booth in the corner she waved and strutted over " hi Chris you look lovely " she kissed his cheek sitting beside him

*to be continued*
Hey everyone I need some good ideas of where this could go if anyone has suggestions please leave them below it will be very much appreciated!!

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