Chapter 10

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As the day continued Chris surrounded Jenny with snacks while she lazed about in bed all day . Jenny had begun to develop the fatty tendencies . What this means is since she didn't have to do anything now she had begun to get used to it , not wanting too get up as much , constant snacking and only wearing sweats and stretchy clothes .
Eventually the evening rolled around and it was time for Jenny's treatment . Chris grabbed Jenny's hands and pulled her up out of bed with a little more trouble that usual . " come on wed better get you ready for the treatment.. "
Chris said grinning still not having much of an idea of what the treatment would consist of but knowing it would mean she'd come out rounder .
He grabbed one of the large towels as Jenny got dressed into the mandatory bikinis . She put it on slightly self consciously as he tied the towel around her so she felt more comfortable.
" come on let's go to the spa " he said kissing her cheek lightly and grabbing her hand swinging it as he walked purposefully slowly so she felt comfortable doing the exercise .
They eventually got to the spa a group of staff immediately welcoming Jenny in with a devious grin on there faces
" welcome Jenny so this is a very relaxing massage .. if you come with us we'll move you to the bed and introduce you to the people doing the treatment .. in the mean time have some of this complimentary milkshake"
Suddenly a butler appeared beside her with a tray of thick chocolate milkshakes as Jenny grabbed one and drank it fast .
The staff then quickly guided her to a room . Chris waved goodbye and sat waiting outside .

The room they brought Jenny too was mainly white with colour but fairly big as they walked through the extra large doorway and placed her on the extra wide bed .
" now if you lay on your back and relax .. just try to drift to sleep .."
suddenly Jenny was overwhelmed with tiredness giving in and drifting into a slumber
Then the treatment began ...

Immediately after she fell asleep one of the staff member entered with a big tube connected to a tank . This tank was filled with a thick creamy which had a special ingredient used to make Jenny grow fatter with every gulp. By leaving this in her mouth it would cause Jenny to gain fifty to seventy pounds throughout the session .
They put the tube in her mouth and watched as they turned it on immediately any part of Jenny that wasn't fat began to fill out . The staff members watched as she began to blow up her belly pushing further up into the hair and gaining a second roll .. her arms ballooning outwards .. her thighs widening and getting way thicker which would make it harder for her to walk like normal she would need to waddle .. her boobs must of gone up a couple sizes as she swelled up along with her butt which caused her to push up from the ground a little as it swelled . Her face gained more chub her double chin now completely unhide-able as it wobbled when she would speak and even walk . Her entire body widened and rounded as she grew more spherical .
Eventually the treatment stopped and they removed the tube her now 430 pound body jiggling as she now began to weakly wake up .

Jenny pov
I opened my eyes the dimmed lighting making it easier to adjust . I was confused however as all I could see was skin . I began to move my arm quickly realising something had happened during the treatment . Immediately I tried to sit up with a big struggle everything felt heavier and jigglier . As I got help from the staff to sit up I looked over my body in confusion . I mean I new I'd put on weight but ... this felt different . I poked at my belly which now rested on my lap entirely . It was softly and plushy .
I blushed uncontrollably as the staff stared at my newly plumped body .

Eventually the staff gently took Jenny by the arms and with struggle got her to her feet . She began to walk immediately breaking a sweat as she realised the only way she could walk was to now waddle . Her round gut and butt making it nearly impossible to walk normally . As she Approached the lobby Chris's eyes lit up looking her up and down .
She waddled towards him panting as she did so .
" wow Jenny .. you look great " he said stunned at how truly obese they made his girlfriend
" I feel kinda funny .." Jenny said looking down at herself worriedly as she caught a glimpse in the mirror at her now hugely round body .
" aww you're probably just a little hungry and tired .. come on tubby let's get you a snack and into bed .." Chris gently rubbed Jenny's belly and then lightly caressed her fat chubby cheek lightly .
Chris then took Jenny's hand and walked beside his waddling girlfriend .
They were leaving in a couple days and Chris just questioned how would she adjust to normal life .. she was now massive and her job at the cafe involved a lot of fast movements getting too and from tables .
'At least my job is high pay .. this way I may be able to convince Jenny to quit her job .. and just stay at home all day .. that way she really would grow so unbelievably massive .. even more than she already is '  Chris thought leading Jenny into bed and tucking her fat body under the covers
" night my plump princess .." Christ muttered before falling asleep beside her wrapping his arms around her huge belly

Being fattened : Jenny's story Where stories live. Discover now