Chapter 6 - Head Over Heels

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The next day was a little "new" to say the least. Since Danielle broke up with Jackson I have to give her rides to and from school now, and that sounds amazing to me. I decided that I should probably stop somewhere and get her a coffee, so I do that then headed for her house.

I get to her house a little earlier than I expected and sit out front thinking of what music I should play. I sit and look at the CDs I have and I decide to play some Tears for Fears and start with Head Over Heels hoping that she wouldn't catch on to my song choice I stuck the CD in and waited. As I saw her open the door I hit play and smiled.

I'm not a coffee kind of guy, caffeine just doesn't do it for me, but her intoxicating smile really wakes me up in the morning.

"Hey Mr. Chauffeur how are you doing this morning?" she says playfully.

"Good Ma'am, may I offer you a Coffee on this fine morning?" I say as she accepts gratefully.

She starts jamming out the music like usual and I don't think she caught on to the name, maybe im just being a little obsessive...

When we arrive to school we both get out of the truck and I can already feel some confused and harsh stares my way. I guess I wasn't the only one who noticed because Danielle said, "Ignore them."

I felt like a fish out of water as we walked together and received a lot more attention than I had first anticipated. I guess everyone had already learned of the breakup and I think they assumed we were dating because Danielle kept putting her arm through mine. I'm a little lost about her intentions by doing it, I think they were innocent, but I'm not so sure.

After a long day of being stared at I was more than ecstatic when I finished my last class. I began to walk to the parking lot when Danielle came up from behind and started holding my hand. Now, I don't think I'm crazy, but what's she doing? When we get to the truck she lets my hand go and we get in.

"What was that about?" I say.

"I really just wanted to piss of Jackson, someone will tell him, sorry I didn't let you know the plan before that." she replies.

"Oh, ok." I nod.

I didn't mind being used to piss that asshole off. And, plus I get to hold hands with THE Ms.Perfect! This week just keeps getting better and better!

"HEY!" I hear a scream from the front and turn, Jackson has his hands on the hood and begins to walk to Danielle's side of the truck.

"What the hell, really Danielle, him?" Jackson yells while pointing at me.

Suddenly I see him reach for the door handle and quickly reach for the lock button on my side, Danielle instinctively scoots over towards me.

"Go!" She yells as she clings to my arm.

I gas it and dust Jackson as he screams something I can't understand. I assume it's somewhere along the lines of, "I'm gonna beat your ass!" or some sort of immature threat.

Danielle stays sitting next to me, but unfortunately lets go of my arm. She looks at me with a face of awe clearly because of the adrenaline, "He looked like he really wanted to hurt me." she added with a nervous chuckle.

He'd better not.

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