Chapter 1: An Unusual Encounter

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Y/N: Ugh... Just stop... What's the time now??

I woke up and went to check the time... And my eyes widened!


I started doing my morning routine really fast and went straight to kitchen to have something for breakfast....

Y/N: For now I'll just have two cookies....

I grabbed the cookies, rushed through the door and started running really fast to catch my bus...

Y/N: Phew... At least I didn't miss the bus....

*15 mins later*

*After reaching school*

After reaching my school I straight went to my class and sat in my usual seat, the last corner seat near the window.....

???: Y/N!!!

The sudden voice made me look away from the window and see towards the person who called for me..

Y/N: Ah! Jackson!!!

Jackson: How have you been?? I haven't seen you for a long time T-T

Y/N: Stop talking silly! It's only been like 6 hours or so...

Jackson: Hehe~ sorry... So are you done with the project?

Y/N: Oh yeah! Here you go!

I handed him the USB and gave him a soft smile

Jackson: You know what? You are the most reliable person I have ever seen! Sorry for not helping you in this project though.

Y/N: Oh no it's fine! I would have got bored anyway if I didn't had this project to do.

*The bell rang*

Jackson: Oh no... Looks like we gotta seperate again :'(

I chuckled at Jackson' s cuteness

Y/N: Yeah right....

After a minute, students started appearing inside the class...

I saw three girls coming close to me

???1: Yah! Y/N! Look at you sitting like a nerd in the dark corner of the room Hahahaha

???2: I know right! She's just a loser.

???3: She's not even pretty! How can a person be so ugly???

???2: I don't know, maybe ask this loser!

Y/N: What do you want from me? *calmly*

???1: I want you to disappear from this world! Just die already!

???3: Yeah! Many are suffering because of your ugliness!! Now stop hurting them and just die!!

Jackson's POV

I heard some noise from the back and so I turned around...

Three girls were talking bullshit about Y/N and She was listening to them quietly.

I became so angry that it made me clench my fists.

Y/N noticed it and she gave me reassuring look which indicated that she was fine

Even though I knew she was not at all fine... I couldn't do anything against her will...


I looked back at those three girls who keep on bullying me and saw that they didn't even think of stopping.

So I just got up from my seat and rushed towards the girls' washroom...

I looked at myself in front of the mirror

Y/N: I don't care what they say! They are just a nuisance who... just.. know how... to make people's life.... m-miserable.....

I looked up to myself at the mirror and there they are.... those tears which mean nothing...

Then why?.... Just why are they coming out?? They don't mean anything then....... Why????

No... this shouldn't be like this.... I have to be strong.... I have to make myself stronger than before...

I wiped my tears off and plastered a smile which was pretty much fake..... I went back to my class and sat on my seat... Completely drenched in studies.

*After school*
I started walking towards my part time workplace alone because Jackson had some work to do at home after school....

Well....That's not new.... Almost all the time he has some work to do...

But I don't have any problem with that...

I kept walking until I saw that my everyday path was closed

Y/N: Looks like I gotta take the long route

I walked through the long route until I came near a dark alley

I heard a noise through the alley which got my attention.

I wasn't really scared but curiosity got the best of me, so I went inside of it.

Y/N: Is anyone there? *whispering*

No answer... I went a bit more deeper in the alley and saw...

Two people, one holding a gun in front of the other... The other one was speechless because of fear and so the other one spoke

???: What? Scared of me? Hmm... Looks like you got no last wishes... Then I gotta finish you once and for all


The one with the gun, shot the other one right into his head.....

I started breathing heavily......

Seeing that dead body, makes me feel dizzy.

I feel like I'll faint then and there.

I tried to avoid it by standing behind the wall, blocking my view and slowly slid down the wall.... When...

The guy started coming towards me.
I could hear his footsteps coming nearer.

And that's when I was sitting petrified, looking up at the guy's deadly eyes.

*To be continued*

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