two ☆ surprise two

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Marie awoke the next morning to some texts. After eating breakfast and chatting with her family for some time, as she normally did, she checked the messages that she had received upon waking up.

cam 🐨
i talked to
Kenny about
you possibly
coming down
to set someday
and he said that
you can come in
three weeks, for
your birthday, if
you would like

marie 👼
i'd love to

cam 🐨
great. well,
if you do
come down,
let me know
so that i can
pick you up
from the airport

marie 👼
aye, aye,
captian 😂
i'll do that

cam 🐨
pulling a
Harry Hook
on me, M? 😂

marie 👼
sorry 🙈

cam 🐨
no need to

marie 👼
that's been
well noted

cam 🐨
i love you ❤️

marie 👼
i love you,
too 🖤

Marie walked over to the dining room table, greeting her parents in the process. Once she greeted the two, she spoke. "Mami, papi."

Rosalinda and Pedro looked up. "Yes?" The pair questioned in unison.

"Cameron invited me to set in a few weeks, for my birthday. Can I go?"

Pedro looked up from his newspaper. "You can go, as long as you don't go off to places that you don't know. Stick by Cameron's side, or at least be within close proximity of him, you hear me, Marie?"

Marie nodded in understanding.

"Just be safe, mija." Rosalinda said as she stood, holding her daughter's head in hands and kissing her forehead.

marie 👼
i can go. i'll
see you in
three weeks

cam 🐨
i'll pick you
up from the
airport, then

marie 👼
alright. see
you then

cam 🐨
see you
soon 😘

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