Paper Choices, Paper Lives

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We stare at each other. Our foreheads pressed together. Her hands on my back. My hands on her small waist. The moon casts a beautiful light on Margo's face, lighting up her brilliant blue eyes. The night's soft breeze moves the yellowing grass around us. I start to ask myself questions. Will she come home with me? Will she still go to New York and wherever else her travels take her? When will I see her again? I realise it is pointless to be asking myself these questions, so I open my mouth to ask Margo, but she beats me too it.

"Q," she says, pausing for a moment, "I'm going to go to New York."

I feel my heart sink into my stomach as she tells me this.

"But," she continues, "I would you to come with me."

I know what the smart decision to make is. I have a life at Jefferson Park. I've just graduated high school for goodness sake. I look at her again, grab her hand, and squeeze it tightly. I lead her to her silver Honda, and open the door for her. She takes a few steps towards the car, but I spin her around by the hand I'm still holding and kiss her softly, quickly and then let her hand go. She steps into the car, with a small smile on her face. I shut the door for her.

My head swirls thinking of the life changing decision I have to make. I weigh up all of the reasons to go or not to go in my head. She is the girl I love, but she nearly got me killed......
The thoughts order themselves this way, only adding to my confusion. I come to the realisation that it's not what, or who I can live with, but who I can't live without.
Whether my head accepts it or not, my heart knows it's true;
I can not live with out Margo Roth Spiegelmen.
I can not say goodbye.
Not now, not ever.

I know, that this is right thing to do.
I walk to the other side of the car and get in.

"To New York," I say with a smile.

"To New York," she repeats, also smiling.

And with that we drive off. We leave behind what was. We leave our families, friends, Algoe, Margo's buried notebook and our pasts. We leave behind what could have been and start our journey. I'm with Margot Roth Spiegelmen, the girl I love. I found her. I've got her and I'm not letting her go. Who knows how much longer our adventure together will last, but I know I've made the right decision and I couldn't be happier. I'm leaving with my paper girl.


A/N: Please feel free to comment an give me your feedback! I really appreciate it!! Please vote and follow!!! Thanks for reading!! xoxoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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