Chapter 3

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Toby just stared up at (Y/N) feeling himself stare. (Y/N) hair fell slightly curled from her hair being in a bun. She stood wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans. (Y/N)'s patient smile was almost enough to send Toby over the edge. He almost never feels stunned where he couldn't find the right words.

"Y-y-yeah i-its fine," he stuttered out. He felt his blush grow hotter.

(Y/N) just smiled and sat down in front of him. It shocked him how much she could leave such an impression on him, even if she didn't do much in the moment to give him the reaction.

"By the way I'm (Y/N)," she told him

"I-i'm t-toby" he tried his best to try not to stutter in front of her. Toby for no reason felt like he should not stutter infront of her. He wanted to be the best version of himself for her.

"Hi Toby!" (Y/N) replied toward him. She began to eat her own sandwich as Toby watched her. He felt the nagging grow stronger now that she said his name.

They both ate in silence and Toby watched her up close. Seeing her made his heart fill with undescribable joy and his blush never went away.

"You know Toby, I never seen you around here did you just move here?"

Her question almost went over his head although he managed to catch it.

"Haha yeah....I-I-I actually uh...moved here," Toby felt like instally slapping himself.

Moved? Why would he say that? Why is he even trying to impress her?

(Y/N) smiled fondly at Toby which only worsen his blush.

The two slowly talked through out their lunch. And even though Toby knew deep down who she is, he couldn't help himself to be drawn towards her. Her (Y/C) hair flowing as she giggled at little jokes he made. Her never ending smile. Her unbelievably kind nature. Just everything about her seemed so...

Intoxicating to him.


(Y/N) left when her lunch break was nearing the end. She left with a small smile knowing she just made a new friend.

Toby seemed... interesting to say the least. He wasn't as social as she was and at times she was the one who carried the conversation. She didn't mind, (Y/N) just assumed Toby was just very socially awkward. His stutter was more noticeable but she wasn't the type to judge. She didn't wanted to make her new friend uncomfortable by asking personal questions at the first meeting. So she just dissmissed it.

(Y/N) was in her job working hard on these dumb paperwork that is going to be due the next day. Since to morrow was the day she actually got to talk to the families involved to see if she could get anything from them before the incidents.

As she was writtng the reports, she subconsciously rubbed her left shoulder.

"You know, no one is blames you for that night,"

She turned around in her chair to see Trent holding two cups in his hands. (Y/N) looked away from Trent as she felt her shoulder.

Trent handed her a cup and (Y/N) thanked him quietly. Although she is known for being confident she sometimes could be shy in nature.

"(Y/N)," Trent started, "would you mind if tomorrow I joined you?"

(Y/N) looked down at the paperwork she had. It's not that she didn't want the help, but she already has May coming along on the trip. She didn't really believe she needed someone else.


"Please I want to make sure you're safe," he pleaded. His face turned a slight pink in an instant before quickly adding "And May too, of course"

Even though (Y/N) at first was hesitant she allowed him to tag along. After all it's a Friday and that's usually when crime is at the most high peak.


Toby stared the outskirts of the woods, watching the sun set, he was currently on the roof of the mansion. His blushing face was covered with his goggles and the mouth guard. He couldn't seem to shake off the blush from his face for the rest of the day, he even went into the small town to try and distract his mind by bloodshed but the blush remained.

Ever since he saw (Y/N) his feelings grew stronger. He wasn't supposed to have lunch with her, just observe from afar.

But no. She just had to introduce herself to him.

However Toby can't say he wasn't happy with the sudden change in plans. She was just so welcoming and now they agreed to have lunch again same time next week.

His mind raced with various thoughts. Many including what he wants to do to her. But the main one being, what would the boss do to him if he found out how Toby was feeling.

Toby went through the window that lead into his bedroom. All he wanted was to find a way to not make his boss mad and do what he's supposed to do.

His hatchets shined bright in the moon light as he suddenly remembered his boss words. He was just supposed to bring (Y/n) to the mansion. He never said dead or not

Toby suddenly twitched with excitement as he began to plot his next moves.


Hey everyone!

Just wanted to see if anyone is enjoying the story and sorry if I have bad grammer

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