Chapter 2

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In the past:

"My grandma is going to kill me for skipping class," I said picking at the grass on the hill of the park. Letting the blades float into the slight May breeze.

Bastian smirked at me and leaned over. Brushing his fingers over my arm. "It's the end of your senior year, you're 18, what are they going to do? Not let you graduate?" I snorted, leaning on my elbows.

"Yeah well I'm not a genius like you, I struggle." He rolled his eyes and shoved my body back into the grass climbing on top of me.

"I could have done your homework for you," he whispered, interlocking his fingers with mine. His body weight pressing against my body.

"Oh please--the best you were good for was distracting me from said homework." I scoffed.

"I like being your attractive distraction, Sexy Lexie." I groaned at his stupid nickname for me.

"You're lucky you're holding me down. I'd slap some sense into you." He leaned down--that grin plastered on his face, as he grazed his lips against mine. Fully overtaking my mouth with his tongue, eliciting moans from my throat. My hips grinding against his wanting so much more from him.

He always left me wanting…..

To me, Bastian was like a drug. A smart, tall, blonde hair, blued eyed, smart-mouthed drug. He knew how to press my buttons. He knew how to turn me on with the flick of his tongue. And at this moment? He made me want to jump his bones. But if I knew Bastian--and I did. He had something up his sleeve.

His fingers grazed across my cheeks. His eyes sparkling down at me, searching the contents of my soul.

"You're so god damn beautiful," he whispered, fingers brushing through my long brunette hair.

I smiled up at him, always mesmerized by him. Enamored with his ocean eyes gleaming in the sunlight of the beautiful spring day. The light breeze pushing his long blonde locks across his forehead, curling at the ends. And to think---he was all mine. And me? All his.

"And you're a fucker," I said rolling his body off of mine and pinning him to the ground with an umf.

"Fuck-her? Why yes--yes please." He quipped, holding my wrists before I could slap his chest. 

"Why'd you bring me to the park, Prince Charming?" I asked, continuing to straddle him.

"We've got a mark, beautiful." I groaned, putting my forehead onto his shoulder, cuddling into his body. Soaking up the warmth of his skin against mine.

"I skipped school to rob someone?" I groaned into his neck, sighing contentedly. His arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace, holding me against him like he never wanted me to go.

"This is our bright future, babe. Living the high life off rich suckers money." He murmured against my hair.

"I hate when you call me babe, it's gross," I grumbled.

"I could stick to Sexy Lexie, I'm quite fond of that one." He grinned at me, making me want to slap him again.

"I'm assuming since I'm here, you need me to live up to that nickname?" He kissed my forehead.

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