Chapter 3: Class Observations

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Today was certainly an interesting day for the two scaredy-cats of Mystery Incorporated. For one thing, neither Shaggy nor Scooby were prepared for the fact that they would be introduced to an overwhelming fifteen students. They certainly were not expecting that big a turnout for the school! After all, how could they? Last time they were there, there were only five. Thankfully, their previous students, now teachers, stuck by their side, which helped steel their nerves. At least, a little bit. It helped that Sibella put her hand on Shaggy's shoulder in a comforting manner, smiling gently to him. The man couldn't help but blush, since she was quite beautiful.

The first thing that the two former coaches noticed was how varied the student body happened to be. A werecat, a harpy, a sort of squid faced monster, a blob of slime, a couple more vampires, a skeleton, a few ghosts, and even one that looked like a demon, to name a few. As freaked out as the two were at seeing the new girls, the students were just as scared (yet curious) about the two. They remember that their teachers had told them all so much about these two, but they didn't look that special. Still, there was something to be said when a human and his dog could get into good graces with the monster world.

A quick introduction from Miss Grimwood would call everyone's attention back into the present world. She would propose that all of the girls introduce themselves to Shaggy and Scooby. It didn't take too much time, as they were all actually quite proper, although cautious. None more cautious than the werecat, who was hiding behind Winnie. The werewolf coach gently urged the young monster to greet the two, who did so with a small "Hi," before darting back behind her legs.

"Poor Maya's always been shy," Miss Grimwood sighed gently, turning to Shaggy and Scooby. Scooby's natural dog instincts caused him to growl a little, which caused the young girl to yelp a little. Shaggy gave a glare to him, which quickly got him back to normal.

"Er... sorry," Scooby said sheepishly, looking somewhat guilty.

After the semi-awkward introductions, Winnie was told to continue teaching her class. Despite wanting to talk with Shaggy and Scooby some more, she knew that she did have to keep coaching, and decided to take the class out for a couple laps around the building. As they left, Shaggy scratched his head, a smile gracing upon his face.

"Like, guess it makes sense that Winnie became the Coach after we left, huh Scoob?" Shaggy asked his friend, who nodded in reply. At this point, Phantasma spoke up.

"Yeah! She was the most eager about filling the position, so naturally we gave it to her!"

"Speaking of roles, I do believe that the rest of you have classes to prepare for, don't you?" Miss Grimwood replied, looking towards the four other ghoul teachers. While visibly disappointed that they wouldn't get to hang out with Scooby and Shaggy at the moment, they did agree that they had a job to do.

"Oh well. Maybe we could all catch up during lunch?" Sibella asked, looking up at the lanky man. Unsurprisingly, he and Scooby licked their lips upon the thought of having lunch.

"Sounds like a great plan to me!" He responded. With that, Miss Grimwood began to lead everyone back inside.

"Very well then! Shaggy and Scooby, feel free to follow us. The butler's already taking care of your things, and he'll lead you two to your temporary rooms," She explained, pointing to the walking octopus, already holding a couple of bags of their belongings. While this would be considered an extremely strange sight to behold under normal circumstances, Shaggy and Scooby were already used to the butler, having met him before. They were pretty much prepared for whatever the school had to offer.

Once inside, the group split off into their different classrooms to prepare their classes for the day. Miss Grimwood went with the butler and the two former coaches up to their room, which was the same one that they had the previous time they were at the school. After setting the bags down, the octopus gave a deep bow before heading elsewhere. The headmistress turned back to the two and spoke again. "Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. If you'd like, feel free to drop in during any classes to observe, if you wish. I'll have Hand come and gather you for lunch when it's ready. I'm making a deliciously dreadful mystery meatloaf today."

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