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PICTURE: Aisling's mirror (minus the writing bc Pinterest isn't that handy)

H E L P !

I'm running through twisted, dirty, dusty hallways of what seems to be underground tunnels. The voice is getting louder, more anguished, more paralyzing.




Please don't let it be him.

"Please," he sobs again and again and again, "Please stop."

My heart is beating faster now. It is a rocket headed straight for Mars. Engines roaring, metal soaring, breaking the sound barrier, going higher than it's ever been.

That voice.

It's Brayden.

They're hurting Brayden.

The rocket has crashed into a ball of flame and debris in a dry, dark desert.

"Bray? It's Aisling! Where are you? Tell me!" I yell out, my eyes drowning in their tears. My little brother is being tortured. I repeat it in my head over and over and over and it only fuels the fire in my veins.

Someone will pay for this.

I listen for his voice but he doesn't answer. I hear a blood-curdling scream in its place.

I'm so close.

I take a right at the next corridor and see a large crimson door at the end of the hall.

Bursting into the door, I'm not sure what I expected to find. But the scene in front of my eyes has me seeing stars and blood.

My God the blood.

There's blood everywhere. All over the walls, the floor, even the ceiling.

Brayden is chained to the wall.

His face.

His arms.

His blonde hair.

All covered in AB+ blood. The same as mine.

I think I may be sick.

"I am so glad you decided to join us, Annybelle," seethes a deep, haunting, scratching voice from behind me. Despite his words, he doesn't sound too happy to see me.

My attacker comes around to face me but I do not get a chance to profile him.

"Aisling, wake up," I hear Kayde yell. I look all around the bloody room for him but do not see his face. I feel my body shaking like someone is moving me. The room begins to fade as I hear Brayden yell 1 more time.

I jump up from my bed in a sporadic movement. I'm frantic, my hands are in my hair, my face is stained with tears, there is no blood anywhere in sight.

Kayde is sitting on the bed, staring at me like I have lost my mind.

I shake my head over and over and over again. "Kayde," I manage to creak out. "No, no. No, it's not. Please tell me that was only a dream."

We stare at each other for what feels like hours, decades, lightyears, eternities. "Aisling," he says while walking over to me, "we don't know for sure. That may not have been a vision."

Alias: The Doyen Series book 1Where stories live. Discover now