Chapter 14 ~ Saving Sammy

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Episode: Season 11 - The Devil in the Details Pt. 3

"So you're the famous Dean Winchester. Name's Billie," she said before I could utter a word, averting her brown-eyed gaze to the hunter.

Dean arched an eyebrow slightly, eyes flicking from me to her, "The Reaper Billie? Carter says you want to kill us,"

"Nah, I'm just gonna make sure that when you die, you stay dead. As is Carter... Subtle difference,"

Silence lapsed between the three of us for a moment, Billie's heels clicking on the floor before Dean finally asked, "So, what, you work for Crowley?"

"With, not for," Billie corrected him, "It's strange days, Winchester. Times like this It doesn't hurt to have the King owe you a favor. For the limey,"

I glanced down at the rectangular-shaped wooden box in her hands with as much skepticism as Dean.

"What is it?" I asked, frowning.

She only shrugged in response, "You'll see,"

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes, taking it from her outstretched hands, "Alright, just get me to where I need to go,"

"That's the plan." she smirked, strutting away to the back doors of the warehouse.

My frown only deepened as did my concern of just what this "plan" entailed.

"What is she going on about? What "plan", Dean?!" I hissed as we followed behind her.

His green eyes were stormy as he turned to face me, a lingering look of doubt and worry etched onto his features, "Sam's in the Cage. With Lucifer... And I'm going to get him back."

He said it with such finality, such conviction that I didn't dare object. But even so, how could I? Just those mere words sent my heart plummeting, leaving me with a dizzy and anxious feeling, my stomach churning at the thought of Sam being hurt or worse... Dean was right - we HAD to get him back. No matter the cost.

By the time we reached Billie though, the doors were open - a gaping chasm of inky-blackness looming before us.

"Watch your step. It's a long way down." Billie taunted us as Dean and I descended into darkness.

It took forever to reach our destination though. Mostly because of a little delay with Crowley involving Rowena. Honestly, that demon just got on my last nerve for some reason. Thankfully though, he revealed just what was in the box - a witch-catcher. Something for us to use as leverage against Rowena, in turn who would do a spell to get Sam out. And Cas had made it back as well to help out by that point. 

We were just going over the plans when a familiar groan pricked our ears. I shared a look with Dean and Cas before the three of us went charging after the sound: Sam was in danger.

"Dean!" Lucifer grinned just as we reached the Cage, an edifice of iron and mortar emerging out of the dimness.

He glanced at Cas and I then and frowned, shrugging, "And, uh, the other two,"

Lucifer snapped his fingers and before I knew it, we were all in the Cage as well.

I gaped briefly, glancing down at myself in shock, "But-but I'm a reaper! You can do that to reapers?!"

Lucifer just rolled his eyes in response, "Hello, all-powerful fallen angel here? I do what I want!"

I was just about to huff out an indignant reply when my eyes landed on Sam's crumpled form in the corner, his hazel-hued gaze already locked on mine.

"Sam..." I breathed out, unable to stop the relieved smile from spreading across my face as the inevitable fight between Dean, Cas, and Lucifer began.

I knelt down to Sam's level, gently - hesitantly - cupping his face in my hands.

"We can't win," he told me quietly, shaking his head.

Wiping the bit of blood from above his upper lip, I replied with conviction, "We don't have to win, we just have to last a few minutes,"

Finally, he nodded and letting me help him back up, we threw ourselves into the fight. I managed to knock Lucifer in the nose a couple of times as Sam held him down but it didn't last long before the angel had managed to knock the boys to the floor. He turned on me then and I glared daggers at my foe. I was over a hundred years old...but no match for the strength of an Archangel who'd been around since time immemorial. I kicked out at his knees but he grabbed me by the neck in a choke-hold, effortlessly pinning me against the Cage bars. I groaned, struggling to break free to no avail.

"Alright, Sam. I'm gonna make this real easy for you. You say the magic word or your little Reaper girlfriend dies," Lucifer told him as my eyes me Sam's over his shoulder, unable to disguise my own fear, "And we both know you won't let that happen."

I thought I was going to die - for real now. There was no Death to bring me back this time around - game over. It wasn't even a cliche to say my life flashed before my eyes. But just as I began to prepare myself for the improbability of a happy afterlife for a creature like me, Castiel sprang from the floor, taking Lucifer down with him and subsequently releasing me.

I fell - a coughing, sputtering mess into Sam's arms, still seeing stars as a bright glow appeared...and Lucifer vanished. Frowning in confusion, still unable to speak, I tilted my head back on Sam's chest, gazing up into the mirrored haze of confusion lingering in his own eyes. 

What had just happened here?

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