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I woke up to my phone ringing causing me to groan. It was Trey and I was really debating on answering or not

"Yeah?" I groaned

"Kay with you?"

"Nah I dropped her back off yesterday " I said and the other end got quiet

"Was I home?"

"Nah I don't think your car was outside, why wassup?" I asked sitting up

"She not in her room, and she not answering the phone "

"She probably with Ari" I sighed

"Kash Ari is slump "

I sat up and rubbed my eyes

"Hold on ima call her and if she don't answer ima be over there " I said before hanging up

I called her and she didn't answer.

Sighing I rushed out of bed and did my hygiene shit before throwing on a shirt and rushing out.



"Wow, so he shaved one of your eyebrows off?" Jada asked and I nodded

"All because I had a crush in 5th grade, ran him away for good" I said shaking my head

"See yeah I'm glad we really is having a boy he would not know what to do with himself with a mini you walking around " I chuckled and a dude walked past accidentally bumping my leg causing my phone to fall down screen first

He turned around quickly

"Damn damn I'm sorry!" He said bending down and picking it up. It cracked but thank god it didn't shatter.

"I'll give you money to fix it I apologize foreal" he said reaching into his back pocket.

"It's okay you're good" I smiled and he sighed doing the same.

He was had Kash's skin complexion, and he was tall, like really really tall.

"You play basketball ?" Jada asked

"Yeah actually, I'm on a scholarship at MT, Alex, can I get y'all names?" He asked flashing another smile

"Jada "


I smiled back then looked away

Sis you know damn well if Kash was here you wouldn't even make eye contact, but shoot of him going to Amya's isn't bad, then me being nice and speaking back to a guy for once isn't either.

"Are y'all in college ?" He asked

"I graduated a long time ago, but Kay's a senior" Jada replied

"That's wassup got your eyes on any colleges yet" he asked

I shrugged, because I didn't wanna just give my information out to a stranger no matter how nice he may seem.

I quickly snapped back into reality once I realized who my brother was and how deep into shit I was and my smile quickly faded causing me to look at my phone and see several of missed calls from everybody.

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