The Right Time

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In the weeks that followed you found yourself becoming pretty good friends with Genos and Saitama. After the whole monster incident, you started inviting each other over just to hang out. You and Saitama got along well playing video games (the dude really seemed to have a winning complex), and even Genos joined in sometimes. That is, until he quickly figured out the mechanics and strategies and could slaughter everyone in seconds. Then Saitama didn't like him joining in anymore.

You got a real kick out of watching them interact. Saitama was so laid back to the point he seemed totally clueless at times, yet Genos revered him like he was the wisest man on the planet. He really respected him, and you had to at least give him creds for loyalty.

Over time you also found yourself becoming more and more charmed by the cyborg's mannerisms. He was intelligent, and it really showed in battle. He was also really devoted; he put everything he had into taking down an enemy, and anything else he did for that matter. And though his constant seriousness made some things go over his head at times, it was really endearing. And let's face it, he was handsome. Before you knew it you had fallen hard for him, and you couldn't stop the butterflies in your stomach whenever he was around. You weren't even sure if he was capable of - or interested in, for that matter - any kind of dating. After all, his body was made for fighting, and even though he still had his human brain, he's probably changed a lot since then. But you couldn't help but notice he seemed to act a little different around you. When you talked, he really paid attention to the extent that you'd only ever seen him do with Saitama. You'd even caught him staring at you on multiple occasions. However, having resigned yourself to unrequited love, you were convinced he wouldn't bother with something as frivolous as romance. Just friends would have to do....

Little did you know, the Demon Cyborg was struggling with his own newfound feelings. As he was discovering, taking the brain out of the biological body does not take away the natural desires. He admired you for who you were, and could hardly keep himself from staring at your beauty when you were around. For the first time in a long while, he didn't have a clue what to do. His only choice was to go to the two people he trusted the most, so he made it a point to see Dr.Kuseno today.

When he arrived at the lab, the doctor had all his tools and the machines up and running. The room hummed with the sound of his computers as he got them ready for whatever kind of analyzing or troubleshooting the young cyborg wanted him to do.

"It's good to see you again, Genos, have a seat," he chimed as his guest arrived, patting the metal examination table.

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, doctor," Genos said.

"Not a problem. So, what brings you in today? Those new parts are still in development, you know."

"I know, I am not here for any upgrades. I'm here because I'm not sure what to do about something."

Dr.Kuseno raised his eyebrows with interest and leaned on the table, letting him continue.

"Whenever I am around a certain person, I feel different than normal. My circuits buzz, and it feels like my core is energized and... bubbly. I've also become hyper-aware of her appearance and behavior, such as how cute she is."

"Are you trying to tell me you have feelings for someone?" the doctor inquired.

"Is that what this is?"

He chuckled and scratched his head. "Genos, I was once a youth like you, I know how it feels to be in love. Though I have to be honest, given your completely weaponized body, I wasn't expecting you to still experience these kinds of things. But a man is still a man, I suppose."

Figuring It Out - Genos X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now