Prank Call || Kris Bryant

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I have no idea what I wrote,but this GIF is so cute

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I have no idea what I wrote,
but this GIF is so cute.


From the nightstand, I hear my phone vibrate, pulling my attention away from the book I'm reading. I usually keep my cellphone off when I want to get a chapter or two in, but my best friend, Kris, is supposed to call me when he gets home. And from here I can see that the light in his room is still off.

It's Halloween night and he's been hanging out with a couple of his other friends from school. The ones I have nothing in common with, but only talk to me because of him. I look at the clock on the bedside table. 11:51. We agreed that I would wait up until midnight for his call, but I don't recognize the number on my screen.


There's a loud static noise on the other end and then a creepy robot voice starts to speak. "How are you?"

I pull the phone away from my ear and inspect the number again. So strange that a number with an area code from miles away would be calling me this late at night. These stupid telemarketing calls were a nuisance. Did they not realize I was only seventeen? I didn't owe any money to anyone other than the lunch lady. "I'm sorry, but I think you dialed the wrong number."

I'm about to hang up when the voice interrupts me again. "I think there's someone in here."

I roll my eyes. Stupid teenagers prank calling on Halloween night. Real mature. "Dude, just call the cops. I can't help you. Have a good night!"

"Are you upstairs, Madison? That's a really good book you're reading. Wanna hear how it ends?"

What the f...

Gulping, I toss the sheets off my legs and get up, frantically making sure my bedroom windows are locked. My door is wide open, and the hallway light is on. My sister promised my parents to be home two hours ago, but I know she's still out licking her boyfriend's tonsils. Ugh, gross.

"Awe, come on. You don't want to talk to me?" The computerized voice says, creeping the heck out of me. "I thought we were friends? I love talking to my friends. Talk to me."

"Who the hell is this?" I demand, but they only chuckle on the other end.

"Now that's not fun. How about you guess?"

I make a crack in the curtains and take a peek outside. The Nevada skies are dark, with speckles of stars adorning the fluorescent moon. I can feel the sticky humid air, even though my windows are closed.

"Maddy? Are you there?"

Hang up, hang up, hang up.

"I don't have any guesses. Who is this?" I close the curtain and pick up my book from the floor.

"Ah, shucks. You lost your page. I can still tell you how it ends. It's so twisted. Colleen Hoover is a genius."

I drop the book back on the floor, and I jump when it lands with a loud thud. Verity by Colleen Hoover is the book I'm reading. How the heck did they know that?

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