Pronunciation Guide

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So, exciting announcement! The Fallen Crow is in the process of being published, and it will be available for purchase starting November 1st! I can't wait. Because of that, I've pulled all but the first chapter off Wattpad. If the story intrigues you, make sure you come find it in stores. :)

Pronunciation Guide:

Eryll: AIR-ill

Branwen: BRAHN-when

Eydis: EYE-diss

Skadi: SKAY-dee

Brioc: BREE-ok

Faolan: FOWL-an

Niall: NEE-all

Darya: DARE-ya

Flynn: FLIN

Crom Cruach: CROHM CRU-ack

Arfon: ARR-fon

Einarr: AYE-nar

Divari: dih-VAR-ee

Sigyn: SIG-inn

Lirrin: LEER-in

If I've missed anyone, let me know.

The Fallen Crow - Book 1 in the Misfits & Magic seriesWhere stories live. Discover now