Chapter 26

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Aurora POV

Standing outside Amara's room, I watched through the window as the doctor checked over her vitals. Asher sat in the chair next to her bed, both of his hands desperately clutching onto hers as if it was his lifeline.

His expression held such helplessness as he kept his focus on Amara's face.

"How is she?" Xander asks as he moves up behind me to hold onto my waist.

"She's still unconscious," I tell him, keeping my voice low, "I healed her as much as I could. She will have some scarring on her arms, but she should be fine," my voice solemn.

"She's going to be alright?"

"If she wakes up," my voice drops off.

Xander moves around my side to look at me before he asks, "If?"

"She hit her head when she hit the ground," I tell him.

"Can you do anything?" he asks me, hoping my magic might solve the problem.

"Magic can only do so much. It's not a miracle," I say, "Is she Asher's mate?"

"She is, and she will wake up. Magic or not," Xander says, the promise strong in his voice, "I don't think Asher could survive if she doesn't. I know I wouldn't."

"Xander," my voice cracks a bit as I look towards him. His eyes already on me.

It was a few moments before he broke my gaze and pulled me into his chest. I clutched my fingers onto his shirt as he ran his hand through my hair.

The door to our right opened as the doctor stepped out Amara's room, "Alpha, Luna."

Pulling apart, we gave him our complete attention. I needed him to tell me she was going to be alright. She was my best friend. Hell, she was more than that. She was my sister.

"She's awake."

"What?" I nearly screamed as I turned my focus back to the window.

Asher was leaning over Amara's bed with a huge smile as Amara raised her hand to lay against his cheek. I couldn't hear what they were saying to each other, but I could see the small smile Amara held get wider as Asher leaned forward to kiss the top of her head.

"She's really going to be alright," I whisper, not wanting to break the silence.

I heard the doctor talk to Xander and then leave, but I could focus on nothing but seeing Amara awake through the glass.

"We can go in," Xander tells me.

"Xander," I pull on his arm, stopping him from moving any further away, "I love you."

I feel him take a deep breath before I pull away to gauge his reaction. He's watching me carefully as if he's trying to determine if he heard me correctly, "I know it may be early or you might not feel the same, but I needed you to know. In case I don't get to tell you-"

He didn't let me continue as he pulled me closer to him before placing his lips on mine.

It wasn't a slow or gentle kiss. It was an explosion of emotions. The sparks radiated through my body at lightning speed. That one kiss and I didn't need to use the matebond to know what he was feeling. He didn't need words to tell me.

He showed me exactly how he felt.

He loved me too.

Pulling away, he gave me his contagious smile before leaning forward to kiss me again.

"I have been in love with you since you trusted me enough to tell me who you are," he tells me honestly, "And nothing is going to happen. Iris has no foot to stand on now. Without the witches backing her, she'll have to let it go."

The Elemental Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें