'Rain, rain, run away.'

Indiele sifted through the letters, putting one to the side and the other in his bag. Turning to his compatriot, he handed her the stack of letters. "These are letters from other workshops," he says. "And one from David to us."

Patting his bag, he turned to the exit. "I'll be back in a few minutes," He commented as he walked out. There was a sluggish spring in his step as he moved, before slowing.

He positioned himself, pushing off with one foot to jump. Then, bracing himself with his wings, he used them to launch off he ground and head towards the top of the mountain.

It wasn't much of a journey, he was almost numb to it. Landing on the top of the mountain, he joined a group of angels watching the rebuilding of Workshop 7.

They spoke before he did, not noticing him. "Wow, they're so precious," Matihael spoke up, rolling her eyes. "Honest, we deserve that workshop more than they do."

"Aka-Chan," Fanchael spoke from next to her. She kept carding soft fingers through the stray strands of Matihael's hair. "Let them have it, we have our new workshop."

"I don't want it," Matihael said. "I want our old one back. It was so much better."

Sophriel folded her hands together, resting them on her stomach. "We can't change it," she said. "But we can accept it. I think I'm going to take a walk, and process everything."

Franchael nodded. "See you in a bit," She nodded towards Sophriel, continuing to fiddle with the strands of hair.

"What's this?" Indiele asked. "About the workshop?"

Matihael rolled her eyes. "They've given a group of angels OUR workshop! I don't understand why they would," She huffs. "But I'm going to tell David about it. An actual complaint, only with my fist."

Indiele gave a half-smile. "Any of you seen Naphalie?"

Matihael rolled her eyes. "Why? Wanna go smooch her or something?"

"Aka-Chan," Franchael warned before turning to Indiele. "No, none of us have seen her since yesterday. Or Liahael and Mihael, for that matter."

Indiele sighed. "Um, well, do you know where I could find Aphale then?"

Franchael nods. "Her office, the door farthest right in our classroom."

Matihael rolled her eyes. "She won't be much help if you're trying to get Naphalie," She chides. "Doesn't know where they went. No one does."

Franchael gives a look at her, letting her fingers drop. "You're really going to be in a mood, aren't you?"

"I'm not in a mood," Matihael crosses her arms. "I'm upset a bunch of nobodies got our workshop. It's no fair!"

Franchael gently reaches up to place a flower in Matihael's hair, one from her own. She perches it above her ear, giving an endearing smile. "I'm sure it isn't," She nods. "But it doesn't matter, does it? What's done is done."

Matihael sighs. "Not if my firsts can help it."

Indiele's feet carry him to the door of Aphale's workshop. "Hello?" He calls.

Aphale opens almost immediately. Unlike Tanael's, he notes, it's wider and packed with things he doesn't remember ever seeing before. Piles of books with worksheets and old pictures sit between miscellaneous items.

"Hey munchkin," Aphale gives him a smile. "What can I do for you?"

He shifts on the spot, feeling awkward. "Um," he pats his bag. "I have some, uh, letters."

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