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Over the next few weeks, Jim and Grace got closer and closer

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Over the next few weeks, Jim and Grace got closer and closer. They spent basically all of their time together and somehow, he seemed to completely occupy most of the space in her mind that used to be reserved for mainly only thinking about drugs and/or herself.

No one had ever made her so happy, so laid back and carefree. She felt safe with him, like she could let her guard down and not be so worried about everything all the time. It was a pleasant and very welcome change; everyone seemed to be commenting on it and how happy she seemed.

"Gracie," Jim's gentle whisper woke her up one night on the bus, and she looked up to see his head poking around the curtain closing off her bunk. She tried to wiggle out from Joey's embrace but couldn't quite manage it; as she moved he just squeezed her tighter. Jim smirked, watching her in amusement.

"Maybe just wake him?" he questioned, and she shook her head.

"He'll only wake up halfway and I'm very likely to get an elbow to the face," she told him, and he laughed quietly, nodding.

"Okay, back up," he instructed, and she did. She pressed her back against the wall of the bunk and watched as Jim shoved his arms under Joey and picked up his small frame easily, pulling him out of the bunk. Joey didn't stir other than to wrap his arms sleepily around Jim's neck and Grace laughed as she slipped out of the bunk around them. Jim slipped him back into the bunk, pulling a blanket over him and closing the curtain.

"Jesus, maybe I should send him to sleep with you from now on. He seemed much happier to see you than he ever does me," Grace told him, and he immediately shook his head.

"No way. I already don't fit in my bunk. I don't need that fuckin' spider monkey wrapping himself around me while also simultaneously trying to shove me out of the bunk and/or kill me. I don't know how you do it," he told her, reaching for her hand. She gave it to him and only then realized that the bus was parked somewhere, probably to let the driver get a few hours' sleep.

"I don't mind it. I don't like sleeping alone and he's sweet most of the time," she told him, and he nodded. The thought crossed her mind that as much as she loved Joey and how affectionate he was, she'd probably rather sleep with Jim instead, but she didn't say anything.

He tossed a hoodie at her and she put it on over the t-shirt and shorts she'd worn to bed without question. It was definitely one he'd worn a lot; it was thick with the smell of cigarette smoke, minty gum, and musky cologne that always enveloped him. It took everything in her not to pull it up over her face and inhale deeply. While it might've made him laugh, it also might've made him think she was actually completely insane.

"Where are we going?" she asked instead as she slipped into a pair of sneakers and let him lead her out of the bus.

"For a walk. I couldn't sleep and it's so nice out," he explained, and she nodded. "I hope it's okay that I woke you."

She looked around and realized how right he was about it being nice out. The moon was full and the sky above the rest stop they were parked at was absolutely full of stars, more than she thought she'd ever seen. It wasn't just nice out. It was absolutely beautiful. She wasn't sure if it was because she'd always been high before or what, but she wasn't sure she'd ever seen such a beautiful night.

"It's okay, but you owe me," she told him, and as soon as the bus door was closed behind him, he turned and leaned his lips down to hers, kissing her slowly and passionately like he had that first night they'd kissed. She melted into him, taking her time to feel every bit of it. She wasn't sure she'd ever get used to kissing him. Everything about it was so thoughtful and sincere whether he was being gentle like he currently was or rougher and less controlled. He was... well, honestly, he was perfect.

"Is that okay for a first payment?" he asked, pulling away a few moments later.

"It'll do," she whispered, kissing him one more time quickly before turning and taking off across the grassy area in front of them. He laughed, chasing her and catching up easily.

They walked the entire perimeter of the rest stop, eventually stopping at a bench in front of a small body of water that probably couldn't be classified as anything other than a pond. It wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, but that night it didn't matter.

"Jamie?" she questioned the nickname quietly, looking up at him through her lashes from where she was positioned tightly underneath the arm he had around her.

"Mm?" he questioned, looking down at her.

"Thank you," she whispered, surprised when tears rose to her eyes. He cocked his head to the side, an eyebrow raised.

"For what?"

"Being here. I... I'm not sure I'd be where I am if you weren't," she said, referring to a million different things. She wasn't sure she'd be clean, she wasn't sure she'd be alive, and she was damn sure she wouldn't be so happy.

He smiled widely, turning to face her properly.

"You don't have to thank me for giving a shit, but you're welcome," he said, making her smile.

She didn't say anything else, just moved closer to him and took advantage of how much less obvious their height difference was when they were sitting by pulling him into a kiss. His arms wrapped around her and he pulled her closer, kissing her more deeply.

She reached up and underneath his t-shirt, running her hands over the bare skin of his back in a way she knew he liked. Sure enough, it got the exact response she'd wanted and he started kissing her even harder. She could almost feel the gentleness seeping out of him as he got more and more confident in his movements.

"Jamie," she mumbled into his lips, and he gave her some sort of muffled response that she took as a cue to keep going. "I want you."

He pulled away enough to look at her and his green eyes were bright, the full moon lighting them up completely.

"Are you sure?" he asked her, and she barely even caught the question because she couldn't help but stare at how irresistibly swollen his lips were from the kiss. She nodded.

"Positive," she assured him, launching herself at him again. He laughed quietly, pulling her closer.


"Grace! James!"

A loud voice snapped Grace awake and she was immediately aware that she was at least almost completely naked. She rummaged around the grass for Jim's hoodie and, finding it, tried and failed to cover herself with it. She could feel Jim shuffling equally as frantically beside her but didn't look at him, trying to make her eyes adjust to the darkness enough to make out the figure standing in front of them.

"Chill out. It's not like I haven't seen both of you naked before," the voice that she now recognized as Joey's said nonchalantly, and she could make out the outline of his shoulder raising as he shrugged. "It's time to go. Mick's freaking out because he thinks you're probably getting high somewhere, and... it doesn't look like he was completely wrong. You sure seem to have been getting high on something," he said, and Grace stood and landed a solid punch to his arm.

"You're an asshole," she mumbled, making Joey laugh loudly.

"You've never seen me naked," Jim defended as he stood up beside Grace and stretched his limbs, making both Grace and Joey laugh. "Have you?" he asked, Joey shrugged and sauntered off back towards the bus.

"I have now! Nice dick!" he called, laughing like a maniac as he went.

"He's not wrong, you know," Grace said, laughing as she slapped his ass through his jeans.

"Shut up," Jim grumbled, laughing with her and wrapping his arm around her waist.

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