Ch. 14

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'You just had to get jealous didn't you' I say zigzagging through trees. 'Oh you try being in heat. Wait never mind my heat start earlier than yours just wait for tomorrow. Your going to be the biggest hoe on this land.' I shutter at the idea of throwing myself at people. 'Not to mention Kason will slowly lose control of his two wolves' I think for. Minute then I realize what she just said. "Two wolves? I will have to mate with TWO DIFFERENT WOLVES' she sighs. 'Really that's all you care about is the fact Kason has two wolves.?'

'Im. Going. To. Have. To. Mate. With. Two. Wolves.' I hear the storming wolf chasing after me and getting closer. 'Nevaeh climb" Estrella says. I stop and start trying to climb up a tree after getting splinters in my under belly I finally reach a high enough branch. The maniac wolf is right below me. And I hear the most deepest sexiest voice you could ever imagine hearing. "Nevaeh come down." That's not Kason or Kane. "Nevaeh I will break this tree down. Come down." Hmm he almost convinced me. But nah. I see the other eye the one that's not red slowly turning a crimson color. Then I see both eyes slowly fade back to Kason normal eye color.

"Um guess I have explaining to do right?" He asks I growl at him in response. He growls back but I just turn my head. "Can you at least come down?" He asks rubbing his neck. Ha he really thinks I can come down.

I "Sorry Alpha but I came up and I can't go down." I say I see eyebrows furrow when I call him Alpha but that's what he gets for growling at me. Alphas have a lot of different meanings when they growl.
( just know he shifted back.)

And I didn't like the meaning of the one he gave me.

Before I can blink he's right beside me carrying my wolf downwards. "I don't appreciate this Alpha. Don't you have a mate pretty sure your mate that's completely equal to you has every right you have wouldn't like this." I say hoping to make him mad.

"Your not going to provoke me mate. And we have kids that need to get their yearly shots." He mumbles. Hmm what's with the dominant attitude. I mean yeah he's alpha and I've seen him be dominant and stuff but he's never acted that way towards me. Hm lets see if my reason for this is correct. Nevaeh don't screw this up.

"Have you seen that to new pack male member he totally was trying to flirt with me it was the most cutest hott-" before I can finish I'm pinned down. Yep reason correct stupid heat. Your making my mate act like a dickhead.

"Your mine. Don't think other wise. Don't even try to think otherwise." He growls in my ear. Ok I lied this is so hot. Dang it Kason. I'm trying hard not to even think of getting back with you. I'm a rejected single mother and he caused that. I went through pain of the rejection and he caused that. My wolf has been getting weaker and weaker for the past four years and he caused that. Why am I not mad? Because he's sexy asf uh duh. I mean just look at that. Estrella says gawking over him.

Can't lie about that.

"Don't we have kids that need their yearly shots." I mock. He starts back carrying my wolf and I legit started a nap. Eh it's comfortable and I don't feel like waking up. As soon as we reach the center of pack lands males start working out like I'm actually interested. I roll my eyes and close my eyes not really in the mood for having attention on me.

I shift back and as soon as I do Kason takes his shirt off and give it to me. Well shit... Estrella gawks. Kason curse your eight pack. Nobody likes it. Stop lying I'm in love. Estrella wags her tail barking happily. I quickly look away and put his shirt on.

"Awe I was enjoying your staring contest with my body." Kason pouts. I slap him on the chest and he rubs his nipple "Ow..." he says I'm ignoring him and watching how his muscles flex every time he moves his arm. Marry me.

Ha! In your dreams Strells.

I walk inside the building and immediately all the unmated male wolves eyes look at me. Well until Kason growls at them. "I'm going to end up killing all the males in my pack." He mumbles in my ear.

"Then you wouldn't have a pack. You'll have half a pack." I say. He rolls his eyes and pushed me towards the staircase. "Hold up...rewind. Bitch Did you just push me?" I say stopping and turning towards him.

"Ooo mama said bitch." Damien says peeling around Kason leg.

"Yeah mama you can't say bitch that's a bad word." Aiden says crossing his hands.

"Bitch is a funny word..." Caden says smiling.

"No it isn't plus mama says we are not allowed to say words like bitch." Jaylyn says then they all just start throwing the word around. I run my hand down my face and give them a single look that makes them hush up.

"Don't say that word mommy shouldn't of said it either." Their faces make a pouting face and they make this face before babies start crying. Kason is staring down at us and makes a in awe face. I let the kids get back to playing and I look at Kason.

"Now where were we?" I say thinking. "We were at the part where I lock you in your room until your heat is over." He says I slap him and walk outside.

Instantly I feel a burning sensation go through my body and my body lets off sexual chemo signals. All the males look at me and I gulp. Men start trying to flirt with me basically trying to get in my pants and I ignore them. One guy with dark red hair grabs my butt and as soon as I turn around to punch him he's tackled to the ground by a beautiful large brown wolf.

The guy spits on Kaden and looks at me. "I could please her way better than you could ever."  Suddenly I see Kason twitch and in second he has the guys head in the mouth and he steps away from his body and spits his head on the ground in front of everyone. His teeth are dripping blood and everyone is staring in shock at him. His voice is no longer soft and genuine it's dark and scary something I never thought Kason could have in his character traits.

'Any male that steps within a ten foot radius of her will end up like him. Try me and you will regret it.' He looks at me and he calms down a little but not much and he stares at me and I get up from my spot and walk inside. He stays behind me making sure I walk in one direction. I walk to my room and he nudged me forward. 'But my room is right here?" I question looking into his eyes. He growls quietly and I sigh and drag my feet a long to his room and open the door he shifts back and I can't help but admire his toned body.

I look away from him and once he says he's put on shorts I turn back around. "What you want me to stay in here all night and day." I say crossing my arms.

"You have a choice. Either I go everywhere you go or you don't go anywhere at all and you have my scent on you at all times." He says crossing his arms.

"I'll find a way out. There's no way in hell I'm carrying your scent on me." I say stubbornly.

"There are guards below this window and guards outside this door. I don't think you will get very far." He says leaning on the desk.

"Fine." I spit at him. "I choose the first option. Only because I do not want to stay in this room and because you will ease the pain while being there." I say honestly. I don't need him getting mixed messages.

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