2: What the Hell Has Happened to My Life?

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"What the hell..." I moan as I sluggishly wake up with a pounding headache and dry, scratchy throat.

Am I hungover again? Somehow, this feels worse, like there are actual pins and needles in my brain. It hurts even to simply exist. I lay as still as possible for a minute, just focusing on breathing, before I attempt to unglue my eyes. Black dots have stolen the majority of my vision, but still I am able to decipher that something isn't quite right...

I don't own a fancy armchair, or even have room for one in my bedroom! What on earth? As I start to come to, I hoist myself up, trying to ignore the pain in my head as I use all of my strength to sit up. I feel worse then sh*t with my head spinning as if I am on a merry-go-round. More then that though, where the hell am I? This room I am in is three times the size of my actual bedroom, and looks like somewhere that should be in a Palace. In the dark, I can make out a sprawling leather sofa and golden floor to ceiling mirror leaning against the back wall. I am on a bed big enough for a football team, and there is a door across from me, which will presumably lead to my escape from this weird yet luxurious place.

However, as I start to move I realise that there is something attached to my leg, and as I throw the covers back cold, numbing fear floods through me as I realise I am chained to the bed. This realisation makes my brain jolt, and suddenly I remember everything. Kidnapped... I was kidnapped. My heart beat races in my chest and I become hot with terror all over. Oh God, what am I going to do?

Escape... I need to escape before the psychotic freaks come back.

I start yanking and scratching at the chain, but the wooden bedpost doesn't even creak, and I only succeed in breaking two nails and bruising my delicate ankle. Tears bite at my eyes, and I am close to having a full-blown panic attack when suddenly there is movement and a murmur of voices from the other side of the door. I freeze in terror, wondering what horrors will now happen to me when the door opens and a flood of light seeps into the room. I shield my eyes from the sudden contrasting brightness, tremors rippling through my body as I try to digest the nightmare that is now my life.

"Hey, it's ok... you don't need to worry, we aren't going to hurt you." A soft voice calls out, but I am sure it is just a ruse. Nice people don't take part in kidnapping someone!

I curl tighter into a ball, trying to keep calm and plot my escape from this mad house.

"Seriously, no matter what we want Alaric would kill us if we laid a hand on you." A snotty voice adds in, making me gasp and snap my head up.

Alaric. My heart sings in response to his name. I don't know why, but I miraculously feel better and happier just thinking of him. But he isn't in the room, three girls are, and I recognise two of them from the coffee shop. What the hell? The girl with bright blue hair is looking at me with contempt and an attitude, so she obviously doesn't like me for some reason, but the girl who looks like Alaric with a classy auburn bob is holding a plate of food and smiling sweetly. The other girl goes to open the curtains, but it doesn't give any clues as to where I am as all I can see are the tops of a couple of trees in the near distance.

"What do you want? Who are you? Why am I here? Did Alaric kidnap me?" I ask anxiously, my eyes darting between the three of them.

"Well, let's start with introductions first. I am Tallulah – Lou for short, and this here is Mila." The Alaric-look-a-like explains, pointing to the rude girl who rolls her eyes. "And this here is my good friend Tori." She introduces the last girl hovering in the background, with rich dyed red hair.

"Well that's cool and all, but you still haven't explained to me why you bloody kidnapped me! If you wanted to be friends you could have just asked for my number!" I exclaim angrily.

Kidnapped by Boys Who Turn into WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now