Part 21B

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Arnav thought maybe his cold treatment will force Khushi to change her decision but it proved useless too. Anjali, Akash and Payal had talked to Khushi's doctor and was satisfied with her. Anjali understood that Arnav was panicking uselessly. The doctor was highly competent and experienced one.25 years of practice as a gynae is not a joke. But it will be difficult to explain all this to him when he already has a strong biased opinion. So she suggests him to make peace with Khushi's decision and keep Dr. Ritu on standby mode in case of emergency. The middle path.

Days pass with both at home now, in each other's presence 24*7. Much to the relief of family both were cordial with each other. Maybe for the sake of baby. Arnav had taken complete charge and Khushi for once didn't complain. Baby was in full swing and banging against the securest walls in the world, eager to come out. Everytime Khushi went for advised 'penguin' walk, she felt he would come out then and there and it would be enough to trigger panic in Arnav. All maturity that he had shown in previous months had gone for a toss. He was nervous wreck most of the times. Khushi feared he will have a nervous breakdown. Nothing helped - n number of pep talks, assurances none! He took more than a week to go back in preparation and alert mode, still nervous. On his insistence they had done many mock drills. His obsession for perfection and correct sequence was rib-tickling for Khushi. List of all imp. items to be taken to hospital was stuck in every room, three identical maternity bags to be taken to hospital, e-docs and speed dials in every phone, petrol tank full always etc etc proved only one thing -  Arnav was really pregnant!

Arnav hovered constantly over her like a surveillance drone. On Aarav's birthdate (with estimated due date still a week away), unfortunately, he had a video conference in afternoon, which he was taking from home. Khushi was irritated with the voices. She was reading about massage techniques for baby and his conference was creating disturbance. Can't he use headphones? He had out rightly refused to let her out of his sight as Gupta trio had also gone to temple. Khushi tried to concentrate back when she felt she had urinated on the bed itself that too massively. It dawned upon her that her water broke,"Hey DM! Arnavji!!".  Arnav turned back at her exclamation and he took less than a second to understand what had happened. Inspite of all practice and watching 100 videos, he was sweating, became numb and stood in his place, staring at her. System on shutdown.  Khushi shouted at him to shake him out of his reverie. He fumbled, rebooted but forgot the sequence to be executed at the time of need and it made him more nervous. Where was that bag? e-docs? presence of mind, completely lost and onus fell on patient herself. Khushi guided him. He was shivering badly as he picked her up to move to the car. Khushi for the first time felt that they both will fall down. It was not safe for him to drive in this condition. She dialed his bodyguard amidst contractions and with their help, they somehow reached hospital. Arnav who has got all his hosh back found the loophole in his plan. He would need to keep driver at standby mode too from next time. He is back in charge after sometime. Khushi is taken to delivery room and he informs everyone at home.

Everyone was waiting for past twelve hours but it seemed Khushi was in a long labor. Her dilation was still not 10 cm. They were all scared and with each passing second anxiety was increasing more and more. Her screams could be heard every now and then. And standing in corridor where one or other female's scream could be heard every second was disturbing.  

Arnav came out after sometime. He was almost swooning due to lack of sugar. He asked Akash to bring something for him to eat before going back inside, preferably an energy bar. Payal wanted to go in his place but he was adamant. Arnav's stomach had turned upside down after watching her go through this thing called labor. Today he had thanked Khushi's DM 1000 times for making him a male. He would have died by this time. He imagined himself pushing and pushing and pushing, but the baby would just not come out! He was almost fainting at this thought. Women are truly great. He was happy just getting his hands mauled by Khushi due to all the pain she was going through. After tiresome, screaming, painful labor of fifteen hours, Aarav decides 'okay time up', much to relief of everyone.

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