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The first Steven uses his bubble to protect us from the impact of the fall as the palanquin broke into pieces.

"Lars, Y/n are you guys okay?" He asked us.

"Ow. Thanks to your bubble I think a little bit of my bones are broken" Lars responded.

Steven laughed.

"Yeah me too, how about you Y/n?"

"I'm fine thank you but do you realize what you have done?" I asked seriously.

Steven and Lars looked at each other, confused.

I sighed.

"The both- no Steven, you have just angered two Diamonds doy you realise that amount of trouble you are in?" I explained.

I looked around, and I felt my blood turn cold. I didn't recognize this part Homeworld.

'Deep Breaths Y/n. Deep Breaths'
I told myself.

"Dude, those giant ladies were furious with you" Lars said.

"Yeah, They're the Diamonds. They've been after my mom for 6000 years and now they're after me" Steven explained.

I looked at him curiously.

"Mom?" I asked.

Steven looked at me and sighed.

"That's a story for another time. Come on we got to move"


As we walked I couldn't help but look around us in awe.

'Never thought it would have a dark side to Homeworld... like where the sun doesn't shine on the moon'

"Y/n, you know your way out of here?" Steven asked me.

I blushed in embarrassment and let out a nervous laugh.

"Um to be honest with you, Steven I had no idea that this place even existed till today"

"Wait What! But isn't this planet- like your home? You've got to know away out of here!" Lars said in a panicked tone.

"Yes this is my home but I've never really left Aunty Blue or Yellow's site since I'm the last true thing they have of Pink so they wouldn't risk losing me and the only people trust with me is Melina and Lucas but it's been so long since we have seen if them"

"Wow, that's a sad life"

"I know right"

Steven then takes the lead as we explored the unknown part of Homeworld.

"This is so messed up. What are we going to eat?" Lars asked.

"There are tones of food if you like eating rocks for dinner" Steven recommend to him.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Steven I douth we can eat rocks and it's not healthy"

"Salt is a rock, right? Maybe we can season some burgers and ake a meal" Lars muttered while kicking a rock.

"Wait" Steven said as he listened 

I looked around also hearing something.

Then we heard a growling sound.

"Ahh. Sorry" Lars apologized.

A bright red light shode we all turned around to see a robonoid, I let out a squeal them hid behind Lars.

"Ahh! They found us!" Steven yelled.


"Wait. If we stand perfectly still it won't see us. I saw it in a movie once" Lars explained.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓟𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora