Enough is enough

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Two days later 11:00 am

I jumped out of my sleep to see Royalty  staring at me

"Oh my jesus" I held my chest while she laughed hysterically

"Where is yall big headed daddy at?" I looked around the room

We checked into a hotel the other night after the incident

"Morning baby" Dave walked in with IHOP in his hands

"Hi daddy" Royalty smiled

"He was talking to me" I mumbled

Dave came over and gave me a kiss then he kissed Royalty

"Where is king?" I asked

"Check under the covers" Dave told me feeding Royalty

I looked next to me and saw his wild curls coming out the blanket

I pulled the covers back and woke him up with kisses

"Mommyy" he whined holding my face

"What's wrong baby" I layed him on top of me


"You gotta wake up baby mommy has a busy day and your going with daddy"

I stood up and went to eat and feed King

3 hours later...
I just made it off set and am now in the process of a wardrobe change

I put on some of the designer and went back our to finish the shoot

45 mi later ...

I got dressed in my street clothes and grabbed my things

I got dressed in my street clothes and grabbed my things

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I left the studio after viewing my unedited photos

I pulled off and made a phone call

"Yo yo yo" snoop voice boomed through my speakers

"Hey you heard anything about my moms lately?" I asked him

"Nah last time I saw her was at a crack house in Harlem" he said

"Ok be on stand by ima call you back in a few"

We hung up

I drove to my house and packed everyone's bags we got some shit to handle and I already made arrangements for the twins I just need to fill in Dave

That same day 6pm

I pulled up to Dave's studio

I walked in the twins were sleeping on the sofa and he was in the booth looking real fuckable

I took a picture of him and put it on my ig



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