Shadows of the Ancient Sith: The Reunion

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The woman stared at Kenobi confusedly for a long second. The hood of her cloak cast a dark shadow over her face. That, coupled with the suns being in his eyes, made her facial features hard to distinguish.

"Are you alright?" he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. He snapped it back as a sharp pain bloomed in his shin.

"Ouch!" Ben exclaimed as her mouse droid companion motioned to ram his leg again. This change seemed to wake the woman up from whatever daze she was in.

"Stop that Ender." she chastised as she regained her senses, waving her hand at the MSE irritably. Her voice was familiar. Too familiar. There was no way.

"He's a friend." she finished softly. His heart hammered with hope, stubbornly defying the logic of his brain. The droid gave a low, scolded boop as he backed away. She looked up to Kenobi.

"Obi-Wan?" she asked gently, pulling down the hood of her cloak. His face turned to one of shock. Against all odds, he was right.

"Sahrea?" he asked, incredulous, copying her by dropping the his hood as well.

The Grey Jedi's face lit up immediately. She put her hands to her mouth. Her eyes became glassy with unfallen tears. She threw herself foward and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a strong hug that forced him take a step back.

Kenobi pulled her in close, squeezing her tightly. He lifted her up and turned to the side before placing her back onto the ground. They both released their pressure after a moment but did not move away.

"I thought you were dead." she muttered into his shoulder. Kenobi closed his eyes, focusing fully on the feeling of her small form pressed against his.

"Not quite yet." he replied lowly, brushing his hand against her hair. The two of them stayed like that for a while, enjoying the company of a person they thought they had lost forever.

He could have stood there all day with her. He had everything taken from him: his order, his home, his commander, his best friend, his life's purpose, even his identity. But her, Sahrea Shan, here was a piece he got back. The woman he loved had returned to him. His heart was so full, he thought it would burst.

Shan pulled away from him slightly, keeping her arms around his neck. It really was her. Her white-blonde hair was much shorter than it was during the war. It was now up to her collarbone. He liked it. A long lock had come loose and was resting against the side of her nose. Her eyes still held their green-grey hue, although they looked as though she hadn't slept properly in days. There was a shimmering trail down her face, the ghostly remains of a tear that had dripped off her jaw. Her smile was as beautiful as he remembered. All he could do was stare at her. A soft look crossed her face. She caressed his beard.

"I can't believe it's you." she mused thoughtfully. He was still holding onto her waist. Against his better judgement, he was completely unaware of his surroundings. There could be a legion of stormtroopers or a band of Tuskens running their way and he wouldn't have noticed. All he could focus on was the woman in front of him.

"How did you survive?" he asked her gently. The Gray's eyes darkened in unison with her aura.

"It wasn't easy." she replied lowly. Kenobi could sense her immense pain. He tugged her closer. She dropped her hands to lay against his chest.

"I was in the worst possible place." she started, her hair falling into her face. "I was on Kamino when it happened. I navigated through the air ducts to the hanger, where I stole a ship. I was in the hanger when I was discovered, but made it out." she said. Her voice was tight. No long story this time, no intricate details of a daring escape, just a few sentences. That was unlike her.

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